Thursday, 29 February 2024 Born on this day: Augusta Savage (1892-1962)
Dear reader,
This February, we found you fascinating exhibitions and opportunities to fanthom over.
#Dordrecht The Exhibition Kopstukken in Dordts Patriciers huis shows that 'where there is light, there is also shadow'. In this exhibition, paper cutting, contours and silhouettes around 1800 are put in the spotlight. Spotlighted are also well-known photographers, as one can see works by Vincent Mentzel and the silhouette-inspired photos by Sebiha Öztas. On show until 25 March 2024.
#Amsterdam In the Print Cabinets of the Rijksmuseum the exhibition Art in the Making is on display until 26 May. It sheds light on the processes through which artists make their work, from preliminary sketch to final work of art. The display features several recent acquisitions: Rembrandt's copper plate of the stoning of St. Stephen, donated by Simon Schama and Virginia E. Papaioannou, six copper plates of Adriaen van Ostade and preliminary studies by Adriaen de Weerdt.
#Antwerp In the KMSKA in Antwerp the exhibition Black on White. Rubens Graphics from the KSMKA collection is on view. Rubens owed his worldwide fame partly to the prints he commissioned from his paintings. These prints are masterpieces in their own right, transforming colour and form into black and white. Until 12 May.
#Exeter At the Royal Albert Memorial Museum Pressing Images: prints from Exeter’s fine art collection is on view until 19 May. A multifaceted selection of forty-five works on paper and print plates, woodblocks and other printing tools will lead audiences on a captivating journey through time, from 16th-century woodcuts to the cutting-edge creations of the 21st century.
#Oxford Next month (23 March) the exhibition Bruegel to Rubens: Great Flemish Drawings will open in the Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeology. From Pieter Bruegel’s remarkable print designs and landscapes and Rubens’s first sketches to heartfelt friendship albums shared between artists, this major exhibition presents drawings rarely seen in public. You can already book your tickets here!
#London Last chance: Impressionists on Paper: Degas to Toulouse-Lautrec at the Royal Academy. In the whirl of modernity that was late 19th-century France, Impressionist and Post-Impressionist artists radically transformed the future direction of art. But it wasn’t just through their paintings. In a subtle but seismic shift, they lifted the status of works on paper from something preparatory to artworks in their own right. Until 10 March 2024.
#London At the Royal Academy you can soon go see “Art, Colonialism and Change”. The exhibition brings together over 100 major contemporary and historic works (ranging from immersive installations and film to intimate works on paper and poetry) as part of a conversation about art and its role in shaping narratives around empire, enslavement, resistance, abolition and colonialism – and how it may help set a course for the future. On show until April 28, 2024.
#London At the Courtauld you can now see 'From the Baroque to Today: New Acquisitions of Works on Paper' as well as the exhibition 'The Griffin Catalyst Exhibition: Frank Auerbach. The Charcoal Heads'. Both on show until 27 May 2024.
#Berlin You can now go see the exhibit 'Rescued Modernism - Masterpieces from Kirchner to Picasso' in the Kupferstichkabinett Staatliche Museen zu Berlin. On show until 21 April 2024.
#Geneva In the International Museum of the Reformation in Geneva you can go see: Rembrandt and the Bible. Divine etching. In collaboration with the Museum of Art and History (MAH), the Museum shows 70 etchings by Rembrandt until March 17, 2024.
#Vevey At Musée Jenisch Vevey you can visit the exhibit From Raphael to Piranesi until 28 April 2024.
#SanFrancisco At the MOMA in San Francisco you can go see the photo exhibition Zanele Muholi: Eye Me until August 11 2024.
#NewYork Opening soon at the Met: The Real Thing: Unpackaging Product Photography. From 11 March until 4 August.
#München At the Central Institut für Kunstgeschichte you can go see the exhibit 'Travelling Back: reframing a 19th-century expedition from Munich to Brazil' until 5 April 2024.
#job #photography The University of Leiden is looking for a colleague for their Special Collections, with affinity with contemporary and historical photography. One of the main tasks is cataloging the photography collection. You will also answer questions of visitors of the study room and coordinate loans. More info here! DL: 11 March.
#workshop The Lise Meitner Group, together with the Istituto Centrale per la Grafica, is hosting a workshop on premodern practices of retouching. This week-long event in Rome (11-16 November) will include hands-on explorations of paper works and their manipulation, instruction from senior experts in the field, as well as site visits to conservation departments and local archives. The workshop is supported by Getty through The Paper Project initiative. More info and how to apply here! DL for applying: 20 March.
#grant #getty The Paper Project supports ambitious curators of prints and drawings who want to raise the visibility of works on paper. These collections are often some of the largest holdings in many museums. In addition to funding curatorial projects that share new research about understudied artists and artworks, Getty has also helped graphic arts professionals with training residencies, workshops, and seminars that bring scholars together to deepen their knowledge of the many materials and techniques used for centuries by artists working on paper. 2024 is the final year of grantmaking for the initiative, which has to date provided $8.7 million in grants to 72 institutions worldwide.
#prize #drawings Master Drawings is now accepting submissions for the 7th annual Ricciardi prize of $5,000! The award is given for the best new and unpublished article on a drawing topic (of any period) by a scholar under the age of 40. The winning submission will be published in a 2025 issue of Master Drawings. Submit your article here. DL: 15 November 2024.
#prize Once every two years, the Laurens Janszoon Coster Foundation organizes an award for the most beautiful margin prints from the previous two years, hosted by the platform Mooi Marginaal. The 50 most beautiful ones are selected from the entries. These will be included in a paper catalog and shown on this website. No cash prize will be awarded, nor will one winner be selected. From January 1, 2024 to March 1, 2024 you can register for the 9th edition with work produced in the years 2022–2023. Find more information here.
#prize #drawings Bella Maniera presents a new prize dedicated to supporting research on Italian or French drawings from the 15th to 20th century. The prize holds €4000 and can be, for example, used for research on a master's thesis, an article, or preparatory research for an exhibition. More info here! DL: 2 April 2024.
#fellowship #photography The Cleveland Museum of Art calls for applications for The Leigh and Mary Carter Director’s Research Fellowship. The fellowship provides art history graduates with an interest in pursuing a museum career the opportunity to assist the Director and members of the museum’s curatorial staff in scholarly, collection-, and/or exhibition-related research. Candidates who specialize in the history of photography, with a particular interest in 19th-century European photography and/or photographs of India are especially welcome. DL: 22 March 2024.
#curatorial #fellowship The Morgan Library & Museum, New York, seeks applications for the Moore Curatorial Fellowship in the Department of Drawings and Prints. This one-year appointment, eligible for a one-year renewal, provides the opportunity to gain firsthand experience and professional training in curatorial work and in the study and connoisseurship of old master and nineteenth-century drawings. DL: 24 March 2024.
#job The Dallas Museum of Art seeks a promising and dynamic scholar in the field of art history for the new position of Allen and Kelli Questrom Assistant/Associate/Curator of Prints and Drawings. The candidate is responsible for directing the exhibitions, programs, and material resources of the prints and drawings collection, comprised of almost 6,000 works. DL: 31 March 2024.
#cfp As part of the project “Antiquitatum Thesaurus. Antiquities in the European Image Sources of the 17th and 18th Centuries” the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences (BBAW) and the Central Institute for Art History Munich are organizing a series of colloquia on the topic of "'Imaging in Antiquity' in 2023-2025. On the episteme of drawings and prints in the early modern period". The aim is to examine the significance of drawings and prints for ideas, research and the circulation of knowledge on ancient artefacts, architecture and images in Europe and neighboring areas from the late Middle Ages to the emergence of photography in the mid-19th century. Find more information here. Proposals can be submitted until 17 March 2024 together with a short CV (max. 150 words) to, subject “Episteme III”.
#exploreSAS Explore the School of Advanced Study programme of seminars, lectures, conferences, and workshops, which bring together arts and humanities researchers from around the world, here. Examples are this short-course of this seminar.
#ArsGraphica #spread the word #getintouch Ars Graphica seeks new coordinators for our local satellites! This is your chance to promote the Graphic Arts in your area. As the local satellite coordinator you may, for example, organize collection visits, informal meetings, or visits to any event connected to the Graphic Arts for the AG members in your area.
We are looking for people for AG London and AG Paris. Or, if you want to set up a satellite in your own area, please let us know as well! Don't hesitate to contact us for more information! Email our president at

See you next month!
The News Corner Team,
Iris Louwersheimer &
Marte Sophie Meessen
AG communication coordinators