Thursday, 29 June 2023
Born on this day: Edna Clarke Hall (1879 - 1979)
Dear reader,
For you, we selected some nice and refreshing jobcalls and exhibitions to enjoy this summer!
#Berlin In the Kupferstichkabinett in Berlin you can go see: 'Dürer for Berlin Looking for Traces of the Master in the Kupferstichkabinett'. You can probably guess what this exhibition is about! On show until 27 august.
#Chicago From 15 July until 15 October in the Art Institute Chicago: Ghosts and Demons in Japanese Prints. Supernatural beings have always been common features in Japanese legends, prints, and Kabuki theater. The prints on view in this exhibition capture common Japanese folk tales as well as their Kabuki adaptations from the early 18th-century to the last years of the 19th century.
#Cleveland Soon (2 July) in The Cleveland Art Museum: Love Gardens / Forbidden Fruit. Ranging from the Garden of Eden and courtly love gardens to the biblical deluge, the 60 works on paper in this exhibition highlight humankind’s fraught but interdependent relationship with the natural world.
#NewYork On view in the Met: Light and Tone: Selections from the Department of Drawings and Prints. The installation explores the pursuit of tonal gradation and contrast in works varying from the completely monochrome to the brightly colored. Until 5 September.
#Minneapolis In the Minnesota Center for Book Arts: Paper Is People: Decolonizing Global Paper Cultures. Co-curated by Tia Blassingame and Stephanie Sauer, the exhibition offers a new definition of paper within a global and decolonial framework. Until 12 August.
#Dresden On view from 8 July until 8 October in the Kupferstich Kabinett, Dresden: Connecting Worlds. Artists & Travel. Why did artists travel? What did they take with them? With whom did they travel and meet? How did they record their journey? Addressing such questions, the exhibition invites visitors on their own creative journey by confronting them with prints and drawings by major artists, amongst them Albrecht Dürer, Hans Holbein the Younger, Pieter Bruegel the Elder, Maria Sibylla Merian, and Angelika Kauffmann.
#Oslo In The National Museum in Oslo the exhibition Drawn to Life. Works from the Time of Bruegel and Rubens is on view! The works in the exhibition range from landscapes to mythological, allegorical and biblical scenes. The drawings originally served a variety of functions, from sketches for paintings and tapestries to studies of nature. Some can also be regarded as works in their own right. Until 10 September.
#Basel In the Kunstmuseum Basel you can go see Andrea Büttner. The Heart of Relations. The exhibition shows large-scale wood engravings, etchings, books, glass objects, video installations and textile. On show until 1 October 2023.
#SaintDenis At the Musée d'art et d'histoire in Saint-Denis you can go see the exhibit Pablo Picasso, Paul Eluard, une amitié sublime which explores the creative friendship between the two, including prints and illustrated books, each inspiring the other. It runs until 10 July 2023.
#Vienna At the Albertina Modern you can go see Andy Warhol to Damien Hirst - The Revolution in Printmaking which shows around 70 key works of post-1945 art history. On show until 23 July 2023.
#Haarlem Visit the Teylers Museum, Haarlem, for the exhibitions Gifted Eye (until 3 September) and Realistic Science (until 16 July), on respectively contemporary drawings donated by Tanya Rumpff and scientific illustrations in historical books.
#TheHague In the Meermanno House of The Book in The Hague the exhibit Flora Batava is on show, focusing on the Flora Batava-book series, with hand coloured engravings and lithographs. This series was the first inventory of wild plants in the Netherlands. Until 3 September.
#Amsterdam On view until 6 August in the Amsterdam City Archives: Amsterdam on Fire. The Inventions of Jan van der Heyden (1637–1712).
#Valkenswaard Last week in the Dutch Museum of Lithography, Valkenswaard: The Toorop Line. The Toorop artist dynasty, consisting of Jan Toorop, his daughter Charley Toorop and grandson Edgar Fernhout, covers almost a hundred years of art history. Until 9 July.
#fellowship The Plantin-Moretus Museum and the Hendrik Conscience Heritage Library (Antwerp) are pleased to launch a new call for applications for their fellowship programme. They award two travel grants for research into the history of the early printed book (15th-18th century) in Antwerp. DL: 1 September.
#job Princeton University Library (PUL) is seeking two candidates for the position of Rare Books Cataloging Librarian. The position reports to the Leader of the Rare Books Cataloging Team and actively supports the teaching and research mission of Princeton University by providing timely and accurate access to PUL collections through the creation and maintenance of bibliographic, holdings, and authority records for special collections. Apply here.
#job #curator The Corporation of the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco (COFAM) is seeking a curator for the Achenbach Foundation of Graphic Arts. The vacancy is open until filled. Apply here!
#prize #drawings Submissions are now being accepted for the 6th Annual Ricciardi Prize of $5,000! The award is given to the best new and unpublished article on a drawing topic (of any period) by a scholar under the age of 40. The winning submission will be published in a 2024 issue of Master Drawings. DL: 15 November 2023.
#grants The Getty Research Institute announced the theme for residential grants and fellowships for pre-docs, post-docs, and scholars at the Getty Center and Villa for the 2024/25 academic year: Extinction. Applications will open on July 1, 2023, and are due by October 2, 2023.
#stipendium The Saxon State Library - State and University Library Dresden (SLUB) awards a research grant for photography in the Deutsche Fotothek for a period of 6 to 18 months as part of its grant program. DL: 15 July.
#cfp A special issue of the international, peer-reviewed, open-access journal Arts dedicated to “Queerness in 18th- and 19th-Century European Art” seeks essays on a wide variety of topics that subvert or disrupt heteronormative interpretations of the art and visual culture of this period. DL: 15 August.
#cfp The research group “Textures of Sacred Scripture. Materials and Semantics of Sacred Book Ornament” and the Chair of Medieval Art History at the University of Zurich invite paper proposals for an international conference on “Superficies – Surfaces, Skins, and Textures. Sensory encounters with books and related multi-layered objects”. The conference, funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation, is scheduled to take place at the Institute of Art History of the University of Zurich on 18-20 January 2024. DL: 30 September.
#cfp The Material and Visual Culture of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries Research Cluster at the University of Edinburgh organises an online seminar. The seminars aim to explore a wide variety of themes, and localities within the long seventeenth and eighteenth centuries (broadly defined) to foster methodological and interdisciplinary dialogue. Topics might include but are not limited to: object or subject case studies, material/visual culture and identity especially with respect to marginalized peoples or communities, material/visual culture and literature, craft, consumer cultures, global ‘things’, etc. DL: 31 July.
#cfp International conference organised by the Institute of Art History of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague: 'Art within Reach: Photomechanical Reproductions of Works of Art from Print to Digital. The diversity of these novel photomechanical sources, the system that produced and surrounded them, and their distribution and cultural impact are still an open field for investigation. DL: 30 July.
#cfp The conference 'Landscape drawing in the making: materiality–practice–experience, 1500–1800' taking place in march 2024 aims to demonstrate how recent research is continuing to shape the history of landscape images and to challenge received historiographic narratives. DL: 31 July.
#cfp The Maison Française d’Oxford and the Rothermere American Institute invite paper proposals on the theme: ‘Love and Lenses: Photographic Couples, Gender Relationships, and Transatlantic Networks in the Long Nineteenth Century.’ The conference on 12-13 October in Oxford will explore photographic partnerships as a main object of study. Since the invention of the camera, men and women – spouses, friends, members of the same family – have learned and practiced photography together for business, pleasure, educational and scientific purposes. This conference aims to bring new light on how the practice of photography could bear an impact on gender relationships in the long nineteenth century. DL: 21 July.
#opportunity to publish: The Journal Master Drawings is seeking submissions of articles on modern and contemporary drawings. Essays published on 20th and 21st century drawings are among their journal's most downloaded articles, thousands of times per year. On average, the length of an article ranges from 2500 to 8000 words, with five to twenty illustrations. Submissions are accepted on a rolling basis. Further information can be found here. Articles may be sent directly to:
#symposium You can register for the symposium Photomechanical Prints: History, Technology, Aesthetics, and Use in the National Gallery of Art, Washington DC. The symposium takes place between 31 October and 2 November.
#summercourses Browse the fascinating summer courses of the Newberry Library, Chicago, here! What do you think of The Book No One Can Read: Revisiting the Voynich Codex or Representing the Mafia: Italian Mafia in Cinema, Television, and the Media?
We will take a summer break, as usual! Wish you all a great summer and see you in September!

See you in September!
The News Corner Team,
Iris Louwersheimer &
Marte Sophie Meessen
AG communication coordinators