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Thursday, 23 February 2023

Dear reader,

The News Corner of the shortest month of the year is here, with wonderful exhibitions and opportunities.


#Leiden The exhibition 'The Riddles of Ukiyo-e: Women and Men in Japanese Prints,1765-1865' is now open at the Sieboldhuis in Leiden. On show until April 23rd.

#TheHague #Escher #jubilee On show in Escher in The Palace, The Hague: The Man Who Discovered Escher: Samuel Jessurun de Mesquita. In 2023 it will be 125 years since Maurits Cornelis Escher (1898-1972) was born. Escher is a celebrated artist, but this would not have been the case had it not been for his mentor and good friend Samuel Jessurun de Mesquita (1868-1944). In this exhibition, the striking work of De Mesquita hangs alongside that of his most famous pupil. On view until 1 October.

In the Kunstmuseum Den Haag you can go see: Escher: Other World. His graphic works analyses the boundaries of space, landscape, perspective and illusion. Similarly Gijs Van Vaerenbergh explores notions of light and heavy, temporary and eternal, impossible architecture and infinity, through sculptural interventions.

#Amsterdam Soon on view in the Rembrandt House Museum: The Art of Drawing. For the first time in Europe, 74 drawings from The Peck Collection (Ackland Art Museum, USA) will be on display! The Museum will feature works by Rembrandt, Bol, Maes and their contemporaries. Showing from 18 March until 11 June.

#Amsterdam Don't miss it! Women on Paper in the Print Cabinets of the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam. With a selection of drawings, prints and photographs by Gesina ter Borch, Berthe Morisot, Käthe Kollwitz, Thérèse Schwartze and others, Women on Paper is a presentation about female artists who left their mark on art history. On view until 30 May.

#Venice A new exhibition and research centre for photography will soon open in Venice: Le Stanze della Fotografia. They will open on 29 March with an extensive and exhaustive retrospective devoted to Ugo Mulas, presenting an important selection of vintage images never exhibited before now. Stay updated here!

#Oxford #2x The Christ Church Picture Gallery, Oxford, opened two interesting exhibitions. Invented Landscapes: How Old Masters drew Nature looks at how the genre of landscape developed, through a selection of drawings by artists from the Renaissance and Baroque period, including examples by Claude, Campagnola, Carracci and Cortona. "Illustrious Persons" Immortalising the Faces of Bureaucracy, Robert Nanteuil 1623-1678 is a selection of portrait prints by the 17th century French master Robert Nanteuil immortalising the court and officials of Louis XIV in France and coming from the collection of Henry Aldrich (who died in 1710). Both on view until 22 May!

#London #2x The British Museum London shows "Art on paper - since 1960 - the Hamish Parker collection". From Lucian Freud to Kiki Smith, life drawing to minimalism and etching to collage, this exhibition spans an intriguing range of styles and techniques used in art on paper from 1960 to today. On show until 5 March 2023. #justopened and free: Venice 1500: Jacopo de' Barbari and the rise of printmaking. Until 21 May 2023 ( --- but you may want to avoid 13–19 February because of industrial action).

#Cambridge On view in The Fitzwilliam Museum in Cambridge: Bearing Witness? Violence and Trauma on Paper. Spanning almost 400 years, this display of prints and drawings explores some of the ways artists have responded to (and experienced) political violence and social injustice. Until 2 April.

#Vienna The exhibition 'Bruegel and his time' at the ALBERTINA Museum presents a selection of some 90 works from the museum’s own holdings that exemplify this incomparable flourishing of drawing practices. Alongside famed masterpieces by Pieter Bruegel the Elder and outstanding drawings by artists such as Jan de Beer, Maarten van Heemskerck or Hendrick Goltzius, several newly restored works will be presented to a broader public. On show until 24 May.

#SanDiego The Krannert Art Museum, serving the campus of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and the communities of East Central Illinois, developed the exhibition 'Fake News & Lying Pictures: Political Prints in the Dutch Republic'. It can now be seen at the University Galleries, University of San Diego, until May 12.

#Portland Human | Nature, 150 Years of Japanese Landscape Prints. Selected from the Portland Art Museum’s permanent collection, this exhibition explores Japan’s journey with and through nature during the 19th century and into the modern age through the lens of landscape prints. On view until 7 May.

#Detroit The Detroit Institute of Arts presents Printmaking in the Twenty-First Century, an exhibition that celebrates the range and ingenuity of artwork by contemporary printmakers, featuring more than 60 prints, posters and artists’ books by local, national and international artists. On view until 9 April 2023.

#Yonkers At the Hudson River Museum you can go see the exhibit: 'Matrix: Prints by Women Artists, 1960–1990' (until 2 April 2023). The show explores how printmaking served as a creative stepping stone to enter the male-dominated art market.


#job #drawings The Teylers Museum, Haarlem, is looking for an academic researcher. The oldest museum of the Netherlands has a tradition of publishing catalogues on their collection of drawings. It is now time for a drawings catalogue on artists born between 1631 and 1739. One of the tasks of the candidate is conducting provenance and literature research for this catalogue. DL: 26 February 2023.

#job The British Museum is seeking an Assistant Collection Manager: Care and Access (Prints and Drawings) to join the Collection Care department. Assistant Collections Managers in the Care & Access team are responsible for all practical aspects of care and preservation of the British Museum collections (with a primary focus on the day-to-day care of and access to the collections). DL: 26 February 2023.

#fellowship The Goethe-Institut Fellowship offers a fellowship programme, in association with the documenta archiv and the Kunsthochschule and University of Kassel, which provides an opportunity to explore a wide range of historical and art historical, interdisciplinary and international aspects of the documenta exhibition and gain new insights into art production as well as networks that have been created. The fellowship programme seeks to contribute new perspectives on the Western European and North American art canon. DL: 24 March 2023.

#fellowship Yale University, Newhaven CT, seeks candidates for the Florence B. Selden fellowship. Reporting to the Curators of Prints and Drawings at the Yale University Art Gallery, the Florence B. Selden Fellow will supervise the department’s active study room and act as the primary liaison between the department and faculty teaching from the collections of works on paper. DL: 31 March 2023.

#job #collectorsmarks Since 2010, the Fondation Custodia in Paris has been publishing an updated and expanded online edition of Frits Lugt’s Les Marques de collections de dessins & d’estampes (1921 and 1956). In order to strengthen the team that manages and enriches the database, the Fondation Custodia is recruiting a Research Associate. The candidate will collaborate in researching collectors’ marks on drawings and prints, writing the resulting database entries, and managing the documentation. DL: 1 April.

#coordinator With a great collection of art on paper, the ETH Zürich Graphic Collection is one of the most important in Switzerland and enjoys an international reputation. ETH Zürich offers an exciting and challenging job with a focus on the modern online collection platform MuseumPlus RIA and its interfaces. For the Graphic Collection team, they are looking for an employee / team coordinator for the Digital Collection at the Graphic Collection, initially for a limited period until December 31, 2023. Find further details here.

#prize #drawings Submissions are now being accepted for the 6th Annual Ricciardi Prize of $5,000! The award is given to the best new and unpublished article on a drawing topic (of any period) by a scholar under the age of 40. The winning submission will be published in a 2024 issue of Master Drawings. DL: 15 November 2023.


#cfp #color Journal18 is an online, open access, peer-reviewed journal devoted to the art and culture of the long eighteenth century from around the globe. The journal calls for papers on the subject of #Color for their future issue of spring 2024. More info here. DL: 1 April 2023.

#cfp De Montfort University is calling for book chapter contributions to an edited volume on censorship and visual cultur; an initiative following the successful delivery of the two-day workshop Censorship & Visual Culture, hosted in 2022 at De Montfort University, UK. DL: 20 April 2023.

#cfp The editors of Philosophy of Photography invite contributions to a special issue: Expanded Visualities: Photography and Emerging Technologies. DL: 1 May 2023.

#cfp Leiden University calls for chapters on 'Oikography: Homemaking through Photography'. Can photography become a means of homemaking? If so, how does this representational medium deal with home as something that is not necessarily limited to the photographic frame. They welcome English abstracts of approximately 250 words that engage with and reflect on the theme of oikography through contemporary photographic practices and discourses. DL: 15 April 2023.

#cfp 'The Visionary Drawing and its Knowledge: Orients' on 7-8 December 2023 is a workshop organised as part of the research programme The visionary drawing and its knowledge, by the University of Strasbourg Institute of Advanced Studies – USIAS. The workshop proposes to question the way in which oriental resources nourish an 'other' or an 'elsewhere' of the visible that bursts into the phenomenal world (Henry 1988); and whether the invisible underlies it, opposes it or intertwines with it. They call for papers on these ideas. DL: 30 April 2023.

#cfp The upcoming issue of Photographica (Spring 2024): On the value(s) of photographs: production, mechanisms, sources' wishes to interrogate and broaden the history of photographic value(s) and prices over a long timeframe, proposing to consider it a chapter in a materialist and material history of photography, through its consumption as image and practice, in France as well as all the territories where it expanded. Find the details here. DL: May 22, 2023

#symposium #cfp An international symposium celebrating Old Master Drawings on the occasion of the exhibition "The Art of Drawing: Master Drawings from the Age of Rembrandt in the Peck Collection at the Ackland Art Museum," is on view at the Rembrandt House Museum (18 March – 11 June, 2023).

Lectures will be 20 minutes in length. To propose a topic, please send a short abstract (200 words) and a CV by 1 March 2023 to:


#workshop José Ramón Marcaida introduces his research on the woodcutter Christoffel Jegher (1596 - 1652/3) in the workshop Christoffel Jegher and the art of Natural History. The hybrid workshop (in English) will be held on 16 March in Museum Plantin-Moretus, Antwerp.


#publication Check out this fantastic doctoral publication by one of our own: Silvia Massa. Order 'Prints, Drawings, and the Museum Gabinetti Disegni e Stampe in Italy, 1861-1909' for you, or your library, here.

#request #community Supported by the Getty Paper Project, the Van Gogh Museum Amsterdam is conducting in-depth research into four print series published by Ambroise Vollard and printed by Auguste Clot between 1896 and 1900: "We would be grateful to receive information on any of such works that might be in your collection. We are interested in all works of art by the four Nabis artists that are in any possible way related to the four aforementioned print series. [...] By joining forces we can create extraordinary insights into the complex artistic processes that preceded the final edition of these masterpieces of printmaking, in this way benefiting scholars, curators and private collectors all around the world." To contribute to and get in touch for details:


See you next month!

The News Corner Team,

Iris Louwersheimer &

Marte Sophie Meessen

AG communication coordinators



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