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Thursday, 28 July 2022

Born on this day: Judith Leyster (1609-1660)

Dear reader,

Please find below some of the enticing exhibitions, CFP's, opportunities and events this July (and August).


#Amsterdam The Rijksmuseum Amsterdam has several print-focused exhibition spaces ('kabinetjes') which are currently showing some of the highlights of the Print Room Oline Project. In the project of 15 years almost all works on paper (about 650,000) have been preserved, registered and digitized. Some of the gems and diverse narratives are now exhibited to celebrate this achievement. On show until 28 November.

#Amsterdam The Rembrandthuis opened the exhibition 'Rembrandt Revival' (until 30 October). Manet, Morisot, Whistler, Cassatt, are just a few of the famous painters who were inspired by Rembrandt to start making their own etchings.

#Oxford The Picture Gallery Christ Church shows 'Impressions of Raphael - Immortality & Myth of an artist' (until 17 October 2022). Raphael’s artistic fame never ceased and the medium of print helped to spread it, while also satisfying the demand to develop own ideas and designs. At the centre of this exhibition will be prints from the collection of Henry Aldrich (1648-1710).

#Warsaw In the Jewish Historical Institute in Warsaw the exhibition 'Warsaw Dancers 1944. Mieczysław Wejman' presents graphics and sketches by Mieczysław Wejman (1912-1997). In the artist's work, people subjected to the horrors of war are dancers in disturbing and somber performances. On show until 13 October.

#Washington The exhibition at the National Gallery of Art 'The Renaissance in the North: New Prints and Perspectives' is on show until 27 November 2022. Click here to view a video to get an impression.

#AthensUSA #X2 There are two exhibitions at the Georgia Museum of Art: 'In Dialogue: Views of Empire: Grand and Humble' (until august 21) shows lithographs; and the exhibit 'Graphic Eloquence: American Modernism on Paper' displays artworks from the collection of Michael T. Ricker (closes 4 september). Find more information here.

#Kansas The exhibition in Wichita, Kansas: The International Block Print Renaissance Then and Now: A Centennial Celebration of Block Prints, is on show until 7 August 2022.

#Houston The exhibition in the Museum of Fine Arts in Houston 'Virtual Realities: The Art of Escher, from the Michael S. Sachs Collection, on display until 5 September 2022, features more than 400 works of art.

#MET #NY The latest installation of the print room of the MET features newly acquired works by Vincent Van Gogh, Piet Mondrian, and Edvard Munch, alongside a selection of works by Dutch artists from the nineteenth to the twenty-first century. Showing until 11 October.

#Brussels The James Ensorhouse in Brussels presents an extraordinary collection of drawings from James Ensor and the KBR. The Print Room of KBR (Brussels) manages the largest collection of paper works in Belgium. Among them are documents from the 16th to the 20th century. In addition to drawings collected for their documentary or topographical character, the Print Room also owns masterpieces by Pieter Bruegel the Elder, Giovanni Battista Tiepolo, Peter Paul Rubens and Jacob Jordaens, and more.

#Vienna #X2 The Albertina Museum in Vienna is now showing 'Hans Weigand: Rider in the Storm'. This exhibition sees the artist imbuing traditional techniques like woodcuts with unconventional and contemporary contexts. Another exhibition at the Albertina is 'The Disasters of War. Goya and the Present' features Goya's famous etching series, placed in dialogue with recent war photographs of Ukraine. Both until 21 August.

#London In the Victoria and Albert Museum in London you can go see the exhibit on drawings by Beatrix Potter. On Show until January 2023.

#London At the Courtauld Gallery you can now go visit the exhibit: Traces: Renaissance Drawings for Flemish Prints. Until 25 September.

#Cambridge Works displayed in an exhibition in the Alison Richard Building in Cambridge span 40 years of Louise Stebbing's printmaking packed with techniques, colour, pattern, texture and technical know-how. She will give #tours herself on 6 August and 9 September. FInd details here.

#BarberInstitute The exhibition "Dürer: The making of a Renaissance Master' is on show until 25 September. This exhibition features the only portrait by Dürer in the UK, along with rare drawings and prints.

#Berlin Museum für Fotografie shows the exhibit 'Image and Space', in which Candida Höfer is in Dialogue with the Photography Collection of the Kunstbibliothek. On show until 28 August.

#Berlin At the Kupferstichkabinett you can go see the (rotating) exhibit 'Woodcut, From 1400 to the present'. It is the first in a new series of exhibitions at the Kupferstichkabinett that will showcase different artistic printmaking techniques. By way of more than 100 works on paper – including masterpieces by Albrecht Dürer, Edvard Munch and Käthe Kollwitz – the evolution of the technique will be traced, from its genesis to the present day. On show until 11 September.

#Zürich In the Kunsthaus in Zurich there are multiple interesting exhibitions: Federico Fellini – From Drawing to Film (until 4 September), Rudolf Koller – The sketchbooks (util 14 August), and Félix Vallotton – Woodcuts.


#curator The Princeton University Art Museum, Princeton NJ, welcomes applications for an Assistant, Associate, or full Curator of Prints and Drawings. Apply on their website.

#curator The Colby College Museum of Art in Waterville (ME) is looking for a Lunder Curator of Works on Paper and Whistler Studies. Find the details here.

#curator The Rijksmuseum Amsterdam is looking for a curator of 16th and 17th century drawings. DL: 19 August.

#vacancy #photography The Nederlands Fotomuseum, Rotterdam, calls for a full-time Head of Presentations and Public Relations. Applying and more info (in Dutch), here. DL: 26 August.

#grant The Association of Print Scholars invites submissions for the 2022 APS Publication Grant, supported by C.G. Boerner and Harris Schrank. The grant supports the publication of innovative scholarly research about printmaking across all time periods and geographic regions. It carries a maximum award of $2,000. Please find more info here! DL: 31 August.

#curatorialassistant The Clark, Williamstown, MA, is looking for a curatorial assistant for works on paper. This is a full time, one year benefit project position renewable for a second year. Apply here.

#prize Master Drawings Association encourages the dissemination of knowledge in the field of Western draftsmanship since the Renaissance. Their Ricciardi Prize consists of $5000 for the best new and unpublished article on a drawings topic (of any period) by a scholar under the age of 40. Submissions for the 5th Annual Ricciardi Prize should be submitted by: 15 November 2022.

#job #curator Columbia University Libraries seeks a Curator to support and develop the fundamental collection-related activities of Avery Architectural and Fine Arts Library’s Drawings & Archives division.


#cfp #Habsburg The newly founded Belvedere Research Journal (BRJ) is inviting submissions, seeking articles that shed new light on the visual culture of the former Habsburg Empire and Central Europe broadly defined from the medieval period to the present day. More info here. DL: 30 September.

#cfp #WW2 The European Postwar and Contemporary Art Forum (EPCAF) calls for papers for their annual meeting on 15-18 February 2023, titled 'Graphic Images: WWII and the Holocaust in Print'. More info here. DL for abstracts: 14 September.

#cfp #photography The study day 'Institutional Photographic Practices in the Production, Management and Uses of Public Spaces (19th-21st century)' will explore the photographic practices of institutions whose action is visibly inscribed in built space. It will take place in Paris on 9 December 2022. DL for papers: 20 September 2022.

#cfp #photography The 8th issue of the Journal Transbordeur. Photographie, histoire, société, has the theme: Ecological histories of photography. Science, politics, philosophy, materiality, and seeks papers that emphasize a diachronic, comparative approach to examine the form, materiality and social agency of photographic images since the nineteenth century. DL: 15 September 2022.

#grants #fellowships Applications are available now online for the 2023/2024 Residential Grants and Fellowships at the Getty Research Institute in the following competitions: Getty Scholar Grants and Pre- and Postdoctoral Fellowships.


#course The Rembrandthuis, Amsterdam, organizes 1 hour etching summer courses in the museum on several dates in July, August, September and October. You can buy a ticket for 5 euro on their website. And while you're at it, check out their other events, such as their lectures on Rembrandt Revival on 11 August and 10 September (only in Dutch).

#studyday The Ashmolean organises a study day in relation to the exhibition: Pre-Raphaelites: Drawings and Watercolours. Deadline to sign up is 19 August.

#colloquium The Thaw Colloquium on Connoisseurship, The Thaw Colloquium on Connoisseurship is a biennial program designed to encourage the close examination and scrupulous evaluation of the visual and material aspects of works of art on paper. Intended for curators and curatorial research fellows at the early stages of their professional careers, the Colloquium consists of a three-day seminar at the National Gallery of Art. It will take place between 14 and 16 November at the NGA in Washington, and will focus on drawing as a medium. The application deadline for participants (with motivation and CV) is 29 July.


#release The Nineteenth-Century Art Worldwide journal is pleased to announce the release of a special summer issue that surveys new directions in scholarship on nineteenth-century French drawings, guest-edited by Britany Salsbury. The articles explore both canonical and lesser-known artists whose efforts transformed and were transformed by a reconsideration of artistic practice and available materials, and consider how such works found audiences, both in their own time and in subsequent decades—through exhibitions, the art market, and public institutions. Please find more information here.

#35years Dirk Imhof will retire after 35 great years at the Museum Plantin-Moretus. As a bookhistorian and curator he has made 25 exhibitions and - in the next chapter - Imhof will focus his attention on finishing his book on printshops in the 17th century. Read the interview here. Merci!

*** The News Corner will have a summer stop in August. We wish you a fantastic summer time! ***


See you in September!

The News Corner Team,

Iris Louwersheimer &

Marte Sophie Meessen

AG communication coordinators



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