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Thursday, 29 July 2021

Born on this day: George Bradshaw (1800-1853)

Dear reader,

Before we take a summerbreak in August we have selected some refreshing graphic art related opportunities for you!


#exhibit #London On view at the British Museum, until 15 August 2021, 'Contemporary Art of the Middle East and North Africa' featuring around 100 works on paper: from etchings to photographs and artists' books.

#exhibit #Cambridge The exhibition 'Virtue, Vice & the Senses: Prints 1540 – 1660' in the printroom at the Fitzwilliam Museum looks at the spread and development of prints representing abstract qualities such as the Five Senses, Seven Virtues and Deadly Sins. Open until 30 August 2021. Visit the website for more information.

#exhibit #Oxford Today, the 29th, the Ashmolean Museum opens the exhibition 'Tokyo: Art & Photography'. Highlights include historic folding screens and iconic woodblock prints, video works, pop art, and contemporary photographs by Moriyama Daido and Ninagawa Mika. On display until 3 January 2022.

#exhibit #Hamburg In the Kunsthalle you can now visit 'Raphael The Impact of a Genius', which displays 230 prints, drawings, paintings and photographs. The exhibition explores the history of reproductions of Raphael's work and his fame, and is open until 3 October 2021.

#justopened #Bremen From 21 July until 10 October, in the Kunsthalle: As long as it's a Dürer. The Klugkist Collection. The drawings and nearly complete collection of Albrecht Dürer’s graphic reproductions belong to the most famous works in the holdings of Kunsthalle’s Department of Prints and Drawings.

#photography #NewYork On show in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, until 3 October: 'New York: The New Woman Behind the Camera'. With over 120 photographers from 20 countries, the exhibition explores the diverse work of artists, the New Women, who expressed female empowerment, modernity, and experimentation in the 1920's to the 1950's.

#openingtoday #NewYork On view, also in the Met, until 18 October 2021: Selections from the Department of Drawings and Prints: Revolution, Resistance, and Activism. The drawings, prints, and posters, from the eighteenth century to the present, relate to the American, French, Haitian, Mexican, and Russian revolutions, the abolition of slavery, and campaigns for and against the dominant political systems of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.

#exhibition #Baltimore The Baltimore museum of Art has just opened the exhibit:' Women Behaving Badly: 400 Years of Power & Protest. It displays approximately 75 illustrations of female power and courage, includes prints by Albrecht Dürer, Rembrandt, Francisco de Goya, and Edvard Munch. On show until 19 December 2021.

#exhibit #Memphis The Memphis Brooks Museum of Art presents: 'Persevere and Resist: The Strong Black Women of Elizabeth Catlett'. Artist Elizabeth Catlett (1915-2012) articulated a full range of African American experiences in the 35 prints and sculptures. On view until 29 August 2021.

#exhibition #Nancy The Musée des Beaux-Arts, the Municipal Library of Nancy, and the Palace of the Dukes of Lorraine-Lorraine Museum joined forces to dedicate an exhibition to one of the greatest engravers of the 17th century, Israël Silvestre (1621-1691), showing the almost complete printed oeuvre in 'Invitation aux Voyage'. The prints represent his travels from Paris to Rome and Nancy to Naples. The exhibition is at the Musée des Beaux-Arts until 3 October 2021.

#photography #Rotterdam In The Nederlands Fotomuseum, Rotterdam, you can visit the 'Gallery of Honour of Dutch Photography', featuring 99 photographs and 1 empty frame. The photographs represent a selection of iconic works throughout Dutch photo-history. Get your ticket here!

#exhibition #Amsterdam The Rembrandthuis, Amsterdam, tells the story of a famous 17th century elephant in the exhibition: Hansken, Rembrandt's Elephant. Hansken was toured to markets and fairs across Europe. When she was in Amsterdam, Rembrandt drew her multiple times. You will see these drawings in the exhibition, among other art works, historical documents and even Hansken's skull. On view until 29 August.

#exhibition #Haarlem On view from 17 July until 7 November: Baroque at Teylers. The Teylers Museum, Haarlem, shows a selection of their fine collection of 17th century Italian drawings in this exhibition.

#exhibition #Leuven On view in M Leuven until 5 September: Impressive! This exhibition displays a selection of their prints cabinet, consisting of about 25.000 works on paper. All the prints of the installation are changed every three months. Book your timeslot here!

#openingsoon #Beijing Opening 3 September in M WOODS, Beijing: Italian Renaissance Drawings, a dialogue with China. A touring exhibition from the British Museum; this time it shows the 16th century drawings next to the work of contemporary Chinese artists. Until 20 February 2022. More info here!

#track Keep track of whether heritage sites are open or closed on the UNESCO website here!


#curatorialassistant The Menil Drawing Institute, Houston TX, seeks a full-time curatorial assistant with a passion for the graphic arts. The position serves as both a facilitator and an ambassador, making the Menil’s collection of drawings known and accessible to students, scholars, artists, and the general public,

who visit the MDI study room. More info here! DL: 13 August.

#assistantcurator The Met, New York, has a vacancy for a full-time assistant curator. The candidate will be in charge of the department’s collection of Northern European (German, Dutch, and Flemish) drawings, prints, and illustrated books from the 15th through the 19th centuries. The assistant curator will be responsible for contributing to all curatorial duties. DL: 20 August.

#collectionregistration The Boijmans, Rotterdam, is looking for a cataloguer of 4500 works on paper of the 19th century, 32 hours per week. More info and applying here! DL: 22 August.

#job #curator Apply here for Curator Art-Lithography, Dutch Museum of Lithography, Valkenswaard! DL: 23 August.

#curators The Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, is looking for two new curators for 36 hours per week: a curator of 20th- and 21st-Century Works on Paper and Curator of 18th- and 19th-Century Drawings. The curators will work within the team of twelve curators and researchers of the Rijksprentenkabinet, as well as with the museum’s curators, conservators, information specialists and registrars. DL for both: 1 September.

#fellowships The Met announced a generous gift from the Diamonstein-Spielvogel Foundation to fund 5 fellowship positions in the Department of Drawings and Prints. These paid positions include 4 yearlong fellowships and 1 interdisciplinary fellowship of two years that combines curatorial, conservation, and scientific studies. The fellowships will begin in fall 2022, with applications available in September 2021.


#cfp The Library Company of Philadelphia invites proposals for a symposium held 25 March 2022: Collecting, Curating, and Consuming American Popular Graphic Arts Yesterday and Today. The 300-word proposal on historical American popular graphic arts has to be submitted by 2 August 2021.

#cfp #photography This gathering of the open conference series, organised by the KFI in Florence and University of Basel, is titled 'Digital Photo Archive. Theories, Practices & Rhetoric' and will be held in Basel on 13-14 January 2022. This session seeks to address the tensions between different, or rather opposed, notions of the archive: as a locus of power according to postmodern discourses; as a simple, transparently manageable repository; as a technology that facilitates the sharing and socialisation of (image) data; as a structure that perpetuates discrimination and configures surveillance, and more. Scholars at any stage of their career are welcome to submit their research. DL: 15 August 2021.

#cfp #photography ARCHIVO PAPERS JOURNAL welcomes papers for its next 2022 volume guest-edited by Dr. Paula Ribeiro Lobo. The topic is 'Shaping Time - Photography and the artistic construction of the contemporary'. The guest editor is interested in exploring contemporary relations between photography and time, through an interdisciplinary approach that engages in 'the thinking of photography'. Check the website on how to submit your abstract. DL: August 31 2021.

#cfp The Association of Print Scholars invites submissions for the 2021 APS Publication Grant, supported by C.G. Boerner and Harris Schrank. The grant supports the publication of innovative scholarly research about printmaking across all time periods and geographic regions. The grant carries a maximum award of $2000. For information on the details of the application, visit the website. DL: 31 August 2021.

#cfp The Drawing Room, London, announces that their next Research Forum will be held on 5 November 2021. They invite proposals that examine critical issues around contemporary drawing. Proposals should have an explicit connection to drawing and discuss why the medium of drawing is key to the research. Visit the website for details. DL: 31 August 2021.

#prize The ‘Printing Historical Society Prize for New Scholarship’ is available again this year. Submissions are invited in the form of a new article on a printing-historical subject, suitable for the Society’s Journal. The winning author will receive this year’s Prize, a purse of £500, membership of the Society for one year, and publication in the PHS Journal. Full details on their website. DL: 1 October 2021.

#cfp The 36th Biennial Congress of the International Paper Historians (IPH) will be held in Krems/Donau, Austria from 17 to 22 August 2022. The congress, entitled 'Paper of Graphic Art', will focus on paper, whatever its source, used as the primary material for Graphic Art world-wide. While books and their paper were the focus of numerous previous IPH meetings, the congress will now address graphic art on paper. Because of this, research on any paper is welcomed, regardless of origin, so long as they may be connected with prints and drawings in one or the other way (including contemporary installations involving paper). Check the website for details. DL: 15 February 2022.


#summerschool From 1 July to 10 September, the Allard Pierson, Amsterdam, organizes the Summerschool History of the Book, with several online workshops. Get your ticket for the August-workshops here!

#lecture This year's Frederik Muller lecture (online), organised by Amsterdam's Allard Pierson museum (and knowledge institute of the UvA), is titled 'Where is the colour in book history?' and will be held 10 September 2021. Register here.

#conference From 25 to 27 August 2021, the conference 'Vernacular Books and Reading Experiences in the Early Age of Print' will take place at Leiden University Library (Leiden, The Netherlands) and online. Full programme and registration link here!


#grants The Getty awarded new grants for curatorial innovation in prints and drawings as part of the paper project initiative. The nineteen grants will support several exhibitions, publications and digital projects. A full list of the grantees can be found here!


Have an awesome summer &

see you in September!

The News Corner Team,

Iris Louwersheimer &

Marte Sophie Meessen

AG communication coordinators



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