Thursday, 29 April 2021
Born on this day: Eva Besnyö (1910-2003)
Dear reader,
Another month means new opportunities, events, and even exhibitions to explore!
#lastchance In Zentrum Paul Klee in Bern the exhibition 'Departure without Destination. Annemarie Schwarzenbach as photographer' is on view until 9 May. Check the website on how to book a ticket.
#open The exhibition 'Fritz Baumann, Johanna Fülscher, Otto Morach: Ein künstlerischer Austausch. Arbeiten auf Papier' is on view in the printroom of the Kunstmuseum Solothurn. On show until 24 May! Visit the website for details.
#open The Petit Palais in Paris presents an exhibition around the figure of Ambroise Vollard, as a publisher of prints and illustrated books, and his successor Henri Petiet. The exhibition is titled 'Vollard, Petiet and Modern Master Prints', and on show until 23 May 2021.
#openingtoday The Department of Prints and Drawings of The Met, New York, organizes four rotations a year to highlight their collection of works on paper. Today, 29 April, the exhibition 'Selections from the Department of Drawings and Prints: Materials and Techniques' opens. The installation focuses on the variety of materials and techniques used in Europe and the US from the Renaissance to present day. More info here!
#openingsoon The exhibition 'Pre-Raphaelites - Drawings & Watercolours' will soon open at the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford, and is on view between 18 May and 20 June 2021. Check out the website for information on booking a timeslot.
#reopeningsoon The V&A, London, will reopen soon with the exhibition 'Renaissance Watercolours'. This display presents for the first time watercolour during the Renaissance as a unified art form, highlighting its versatility and pivotal role in understanding, interpreting and documenting the natural world. Book your timeslot here.
#openingsoon The exhibition 'Plantin Moretus - On the road with Plantin. Travel in the 16th Century' in the Museum Plantin-Moretus in Antwerp is on show until 1 August 2021. Check the website on how to get your ticket.
#exhibit The exhibition 'Eros and Power - Trilogy III. Judith, Omphale & Co.' in the print and drawings room of the Wallraf-Richartz Museum in Cologne is the last exhibition in the trilogy on love. It focuses on the representation of women, in particular biblical heroines who specifically use their femininity. On show until 30 May.
*** Museums are opening and closing as a result of Covid-19 related restrictions and following government advice. As this is rather unpredictable, we advise you to keep an eye out for the reopening of museums near you ***
#lastchance The Klassik Stiftung Weimar has a vacancy for a curator of the Department of Graphic Art. The graphic collections in Weimar are among the most important German collections for European drawings, prints, and photography, made between the 15th century and the present day. DL: 30 April 2021.
#assistantcurator The Cleveland Museum of Art has a vacancy for an assistant curator. The candidate will serve a two year term, renewable. The museum seeks candidates who aspire a curatorial career and want to be mentored by a curator. Responsibilities will include the presentation and interpretation of the permanent collection; research and publication of the collection; organizing and hosting special exhibitions, speaking with the general public and museum groups about the collection and special exhibitions, and proposing acquisitions. DL: 1 May 2021.
#curator The Yale Center for British Art seeks a Curator of Prints and Drawings with a great record of exhibitions and publications, to oversee the museum’s renowned collection of works on paper. Check out the link for more information. DL: 1 June 2021.
#job The University of Cologne is looking for a senior lecturer 'Academische/r Oberrätin/Oberrat (w/m/d) für Theorie und Geschichte der Fotografie' for theory and history of photography. Check the vacancy for the details. DL: 11 May 2021.
#lastchance Germanisches Nationalmuseum in Nurnberg searches for a head of the Graphic Art department, per September 2021. The renowned collection holds works on paper from the 15th to the 20th century, and cultural historical and special collections. Visit the website for the further details on the position. DL: 30 April 2021.
#drawings Master Drawings is seeking submissions by scholars under the age of 40 for their Fourth Annual Ricciardi Prize! The winning submission will be published in 2022 and awarded $5,000. Submit your unpublished article on a drawings topic by 15 November 2021.
#colourprinting #conference On 23 and 24 June 2022 the conference 'Printing Colour and Colouring Prints in Fifteenth- and Sixteenth-Century Europe: Comparative Perspectives' will take place, organized by the Institute of Art History at the University of Warsaw, Poland. Check the link for the call for papers, DL: 1 November 2021.
#CFP #photo Check out the CFP of 'Bringing down the Archive Fever – opening and collaborating on photography archives and collections'. The conference is a part of the project entitled 'The Cycle: European Training in Photographic Legacy Management' and will take place in Zagreb on 21-22 Oct 21. Check this website for details on submission. DL: 1 June 2021.
#CFP The conference 'Notebooks, Reference Books, Paper Museums' will be held in Strasbourg, on 24-25 March 2022, during which viewpoints will be shared on artists', visual culture, and the creative process from the Middle Ages to the present day. Check the Arthist website for further details and requirements for the abstract. DL: 15 May 2021
#CFP The conference 'Cartoons and comic strips between 1930 and 1945', organised by the Plauen Stiftung, will be held online on 30-31 Juli 2021. Check the Arthist website for details on the call. DL. 16 May 2021.
#CFP #photo The online conference 'Photography in Asia 1839-1939', organised by the Academy of Performing Arts (APA) and the European Association for Asian Art and Archaeology, will be held 30 September to 2 October 2021. Check the website for details on how to submit. DL: 7 June 2021.
#CFP #photo The conference 'The Material and the Virtual in Photographic Histories' will be held online, 8-9 October 2021, and is open for members of the Photography Network. DL: 15 June 2021.
#lastchance #photo The conference 'Paradigms of Photography - Theories and Poetics in Dialogue with the Visual Arts' at the University of Bologna, aims to carry out a wide-ranging exploration of photographic research in the arts' overall development. Please check the website for details. DL: 30 April 2021.
#onlineseminar Our own Ars Graphica Polska will organize an online seminar with three talks on 31 May! Małgorzata Maria Grąbczewska will present the latest issue of Daguerreotype. Dr Anna Pięcińska will talk about the iconography of the Annunciation in the perspective of the speech act theory from the viewpoint of a philologist and art historian. Finally, Adrianna Kaczmarek will talk about graphic self-portraits of Leon Wyczółkowski (1852-1936). The event will be free and via zoom. Find the invitation here and some more info here!
#conf The conference 'Paper Religion: Affordances and Uses in Christian Practices 1400 - 1800' organised by the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen will be held online, 27-29 May 2021. Check the website on how to attend (free).
#conf Has everything been said about Dürer? The Germanische Nationalmuseum organises a conference 'Dürer550' in honour of Albrecht Dürer to discuss exactly this. Check the website on how to attend (there is a small fee) online on 21 May 2021.
#conf On 20-21 May, the Warburg Institute hosts the two-day conference 'Venetian Disegno: New Frontiers', focusing on the relationship between disegno and Renaissance Venetian art. Free, via zoom. Sign up!
#seminar The latest schedule of the freely available 'print and book initiative' seminars, organised by SAS and the Warburg Institute, is out. The online events include topics such as prints, cartography, and manuscripts. You can find it here and sign up!
#conf The 35th Biennial Congress of the International Association of Paper Historians (IPH) will be held on 7-11 June 2021. The title of the event is 'Investigating American Collections on Paper'. Presenters will discuss paper history, new methodologies of paper studies, and toolkits for paper and watermark identification. There is limited space; register here!
#virtualprintfair The McNay Print Fair will go digital on 1 and 2 May with interviews, unique offerings, behind-the-scenes video, printmaking demonstrations, and more. This year’s event will be held on the McNay website. Access is free and open to the public. Check out how to sign up here.
#mothersday #woodblocks Surprise your mom with a fun postcard for Mother's Day inspired by the graphic arts! Museum Plantin-Moretus in Antwerp designed three cards with woodblocks from their own collection. Print your postcard here! And, if you haven't already, you can check out the online collection of Plantin-Moretus' 14.000 woodblocks here.

The News Corner Team,
See you in May!
Iris Louwersheimer &
Marte Sophie Meessen
AG communication coordinators