Thursday, 25 February 2021
Born on this day: Pierre-August Renoir (1841-1919)
Dear reader,
We have assembled some interesting exhibitions and opportunities for you again this month. Museums here and there are cautiously reopening and the UNESCO monitors which heritage sites are open or closed; you can check it out here!
#comingsoon The exhibition 'Graphic Grandeur: Escher and his Contemporaries at Escher in The Palace' highlights the graphic art of Escher’s Dutch contemporaries. In collaboration with Kunstmuseum The Hague, the exhibition shows the versatility of Dutch graphic art through prints made by Escher’s friends, acquaintances, and mentors. Visit the website for the details.
#open The Highpoint Center for Printmaking in Minneapolis has opened their exhibition 'Contemporary Swedish Printmaking' which remains on view until 20 March 2021.
#open The Weisman Art Museum in Minneapolis presents 'Pressing Issues: Printmaking as Social Justice in the 1930s United States'. The exhibition includes approximately 40 works organized into themes of labor unrest, discrimination and racial violence, and reactions to the rise of fascism. On view until 16 May.
#open The Petit Palais in Paris presents an exhibition around the figure of Ambroise Vollard, as a publisher of prints and illustrated books, and his successor Henri Petiet. It is titled 'Vollard, Petiet and Modern Master Prints', and on show until 23 May 2021.
#open This exhibition 'Goya's Graphic Imagination' in the Metropolitan Museum in New York explores Goya's imagination and how his drawings and prints allowed him to share his complex ideas and respond to the turbulent social and political changes occurring in the world around him. On show until 2 May 2021.
#comingsoon The Newberry galleries in Chicago will reopen 2 March. The exhibition 'From the Stacks' presents a range of collection items, including treasures and showstoppers, as well as aesthetically challenged materials that tell compelling stories about the past. These items include printed books, maps, manuscripts, postcards, and other genres, from the later Middle Ages to the present.
#lastchance The Philadelphia Museum of Art seeks to fill the Margaret R. Mainwaring Curatorial Fellowship in the department of Prints, Drawings, and Photographs starting in fall 2021. It is a one year fellowship (with possible renewal for a second year) focusing on curatorial training in the graphic arts and research on the collection. DL: 1 March 2021.
#lastchance The Wolfgang Ratjen Award is an annual award for early career research in the field of graphic arts. The prize is $6,000 and an opportunity to spend three months conducting research at the Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte in Munich. DL: 28 February 2021.
#curator The Yale Center for British Art seeks a Curator of Prints and Drawings with an exceptional record of exhibitions and publications to oversee the museum’s renowned collection of works on paper. Visit the link for more information. DL: 1 June 2021.
#drawings Master Drawings is seeking submissions by scholars under the age of 40 for their Fourth Annual Ricciardi Prize! The winning submission will be awarded $5,000, with a publication date in 2022. Submit your unpublished article on a drawings subject by 15 November 2021.
#photography Photographica calls for papers for their new issue 'Derrière l’image. Pour une histoire sociale et culturelle des producteurs de photographies' (Behind the picture. Towards a social and cultural history of photographic image producers). DL: 30 April 2021.
#CFP #conference On 23 and 24 June 2022 the conference 'Printing Colour and Colouring Prints in Fifteenth- and Sixteenth-Century Europe: Comparative Perspectives' will take place, organized by the Institute of Art History at the University of Warsaw, Poland. Check the link for the call for papers, DL: 1 November 2021.
#CFP #worksonpaper Grafica d'Arte calls for papers for the next issue. The papers written in Italian may address topics such as 20th century color engravings and lithographs, 20th century prints on actresses or dancers, engravings, lithographs and drawings about diseases, hospitals, and nurses, iconographical analyses, and more. Check the website for the details. DL: 28 March 2021.
#CFP The journal Delineavit & Sculpsit calls for papers for their next issues. Check their website for more information.
#virtualseminar The Newberry Library hosts a seminar on European art. On 12 March 2021, Grażyna Jurkowlaniec will speak about 'Impious doubts and doubtful pieties: Iconography, hagiography and the graphic arts in the late fifteenth to early seventeenth centuries' and James Wehn will talk about 'The Maker’s Image: Israhel van Meckenem and the Market for Devotional Engravings'. This event is free, but participants must register in advance via the website.
#virtualevent The Cleveland Museum of Art hosts a two-day virtual event titled 'From Creation to Collection: Making and Marketing Drawings in Nineteenth-Century France' on 11 and 12 March 2021. In anticipation of a major exhibition and publication focused on the Cleveland Museum of Art’s holdings of 19th-century French drawings in 2023, scholars will present new research related to the materials, function, and collecting of drawings during this period. The event is free but registration is required. Check the website for the full program.
#benefitonline Until restrictions are lifted, the majority of the seminars and workshops are held online. There are many interesting talks to stay inspired! For instance, the program of Warburg's book and print initiative, the MET's virtual events, or the Kupferstichkabinett's online display.
#donation The descendants of the sculptor Fred Carasso (1899-1969) donated 514 works on paper to the Museum Boijmans van Beuningen in Rotterdam, ten years after the exhibition dedicated to Carasso's drawings.

The News Corner Team,
See you in spring (March)!
Iris Louwersheimer &
Marte Sophie Meessen
AG communication coordinators