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Thursday, 31 December 2020

Born on this day: Henri Matisse (1869-1954)

Dear reader,

With a challenging year behind us, and a lot of museums in Europe and elsewhere closed again, we hope you enjoyed your holidays nevertheless. This is the last News Corner of 2020. Enjoy an oliebol and a glass of champagne tonight and let's hope for a better 2021, full of cultural events!


#openedthismonth Druk! Werk! (Impressive!) opened 10 December in M Leuven. On view until 5 September 2021, it shows a selection of the museums' print cabinet, with different prints every three months! Book a timeslot here.

#extended The temporary exhibition at the Plantin-Moretus in Antwerp: Een eeuw van verwondering - Vijfhonderd jaar nieuwsgierigheid en innovatie/ A century of wonder - Knowledge in the 16th century, is extended until 21 February 2021! The 16th century print series Nova Reperta (New Discoveries) and contemporary developments are central to this exhibition.

*** Museums are opening and closing as a result of Covid-19 related restrictions and following government advice. As this is rather unpredictable, we advise you to keep an eye out for the reopening of museums near you ***


#lecture The Book and Print initiative (SAS and Warburg) has published the schedule of the upcoming lecture series, with weekly online talks and seminars. It is freely available via Zoom and you can find the content and information on how to sign up here.

#lecture The Laundau Lecture Series will host a webinar about tone engraving in the 19th century titled 'Zum Davonlaufen. Zur Popularisierung des französischen Tonholzstichs in deutschen Printmedien der 1860er Jahre' by PH Dr. Andreas Beck on 27 January 2021. Register here.

#onlineconference Join the Association of Print Scholars for "The Graphic Conscience", the APS-sponsored online session convening at the 2021 CAA Annual Conference in New York, 10 February 2021. This session critically considers the ethics of print, inherent in the medium’s daily use-value beyond its function as a rarified fine-art object in a museum. Register here.


#lastchance Das Museum der Moderne Salzburg is looking for a collection curator 'in Fotografie und Medienkunst'. The museum holds the most extensive collection of post-war Austrian photography. DL: 31 December 2020.

#fellowship The Herzog August Libary in Wolfenbüttel offers a stipend for post-doc researchers. The HAB houses modern, medieval and early modern manuscripts, incunabula, prints and special collections. The library conducts its own research projects and is currently focussing on processes of cultural translation, material culture and historical collection research. The library welcomes applications for the new research areas of Religion & Emotion and Historical Image Cultures. The scholarships are aimed at applicants who are open to all historical research disciplines. Check the link for more information on, for instance, the scholarship formats. DL: January 31 2021.

#grants The Getty Foundation announced a new grant cycle for The Paper Project initiative!

This international initiative supports training and professional development for early- to mid-career curators of prints and drawings. The grants (most between $25,000-$100,000) are awarded to support organizations in exhibition, publishing and digital projects. Check the link for details! The DL for the Intent to Apply form is 22 January and for the full application 15 February 2021.

#grantandprize The Association of Print Scholars is pleased to announce two forthcoming opportunities related to printmaking. The first is the APS Collaboration Grant (maximum $ 1,000), funding projects that foster collaboration and dialogue between members of the print community and the general public. The second is the Schulman and Bullard article prize ($ 2,000) for an article published by an early-career scholar that features compelling and innovative research on fine art prints or printmaking. DL for both: 31 January 2021.

#stipendium The Garage Journal: Studies in Art, Museums and Culture is launching a grant program to support independent and early career researchers. The six grants (per year) are awarded for individual research that will be published in TGJ, written in either English, German or Russian. Check their website for more information.

#prize The Hans and Lea Grundig prize will be awarded for an artistic and art historical achievement, and for achievement in the communication of art. In the category 'Artistic Projects', completed and already exhibited contemporary art (e.g. prints / drawings) contributions are welcomed. They should relate to concepts of R.B. Kitaj’s diasporist philosophy: contradiction, resistance, migration, flight, and exile. DL: 31 March 2021.


#cfp The second edition of the 'Journée suisse de l'historicisme | Schweizer Tagung für Historismus' (30 October 2021) conference in Sierre, Château Mercier, is devoted to a central aspect of art and architecture production in the 19th and early 20th century: global transfer of art and technology. The accepted languages are German, French and Italian. DL: 30 January 2021.


#website PhD-student and Ars Graphica-member Margherita Clavarino created a new online resource on Italian print cabinets: Gabinetti Disegni e Stampe Italiani. Created to promote and enhance the Italian heritage of prints and drawings, it aims to gather all Italian print cabinets. Take a look here!

#awardwinners Dr. Cristina S. Martinez and dr. Cynthia Roman have been awarded the 2020 Publication Grant from the Association of Print Scholars (APS) to support their forthcoming publication: Female Printmakers, Printsellers and Publishers in the Eighteenth Century: The Imprint of Women 1735 – 1830.

Happy 2021!


The News Corner Team,

Wishing you a happy, healthy and fun 2021!

Iris Louwersheimer &

Marte Sophie Meessen

AG communication coordinators



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