Thursday, 26 November 2020
Born on this day: George Segal (1924-2000)
Dear reader,
In this News Corner we invite you, while waiting for the reopening of some museums, art galleries, and the resumption of initially planned visits, to discover opportunities, future exhibitions and a listing of some virtual events. You could also check your favourite museum's youtube account as many are hosting fantastic (and free) online events, talks and tours. Feel free to reach out about news (or questions) regarding Ars Graphica content.
#justopenened The Koninklijk Oudheidkundig Genootschap (KOG) presents highlights of their collection. The top-notch selection consists of rare works from the 'Atlas Amsterdam' and the 'Atlas Zeden en Gewoonten', which are exhibited in five cabinets at the Rijksmuseum Amsterdam. On show from 19 November until 9 May 2021. Check the website for more information.
#reopening in December: The Museum of Prints and Drawings in Berlin will reopen with the exhilarating exhibition: Time for Take-Off! Images of Flight from Albrecht Dürer to Jorinde Voigt. Click here for more information.
#opening The highly anticipated exhibition 'Renaissance Watercolours' at the Victoria & Albert Museum in London will open soon (dates tba). The drawings from the V&A's own collection will highlight the versatility and importance of watercolours in documenting, understanding, and interpreting the natural world. Click here for a sneak-peak!
*** Museums are opening and closing as a result of Covid-19 related restrictions and following government advice. As this is rather unpredictable, we advise you to keep an eye out for the reopening of museums near you ***
#onlineexhibitions The Ashmolean Museum Oxford has provided the public with no less than 5 online exhibitions and several events, amongst others 'Remembering the Great War 1914–1918' and the winning entries of the 'Artists in Residence' competition. Click here to visit their website.
#onlinewebinar After a great Print Study Day (about prints and politics; now uploaded on youtube) as part of the IFPDA print month, the Metropolitan Museum New York almost daily uploads content such as interviews and stories. Click here to check it out.
#seminar The Print & Book initiative (via the Warburg Institute London) hosts two online seminars (3 and 17 December). Take a look at their website to sign up and participate from home.
Furthermore, the #exhibition 'Aby Warburgs Bilderatlas Mnemosyne' can be visited online as virtual exhibition here.
#colloquium The DFK (Deutsches Forum für Kunstgeschichte Paris/Centre allemand d'histoire de l'art Paris) Paris hosts a colloquium on Zoom on 'Albrecht Altdorfer: new research findings' 30 November at 10.00. Click here for information on how to sign up for the event.
#webinar A webinar on the topic of woodblocks organised by The Plantin-Moretus Museum in Antwerp on 7 December 2020.The webinar intends to stimulate interest and research in woodblock collections in general and this extremely valuable collection in particular. The process and results of the woodblock project (14.000 blocks from the Officina Plantiniana Officiane) will be presented. Click here for the full program and information on how to sign up.
#fun As many of you know, Google Arts & Culture offers many fun activities and virtual tours. Check out their app or website (for instance the Kupferstichkabinett, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin) here.
#job The Kunstmuseum Reutlingen is looking for a curator starting 1 March 2021, with a focus on global and regional contemporary art and (19-21th century) works on paper. DL: 29 November 2020. For full information, check the website here.
#PhD-placement opportunities at the British Library London. One of the placements is for a PhD student with experience working with manuscripts written in Irish. The placement is available for 3 months full-time, or up to 6 months part-time, between May and December 2021. Click here for more information on this particular opportunity. Another placement concerns cataloguing Hans Sloane’s Natural History Albums. Click here for the full listing of placements. DL: 18 December 2020.
#extended New date for the Bella Maniera scholarship: the deadline to apply for the Bella Maniera scholarship is extended to 30 November 2020. The Bella Maniera Scholarship will be allocated to a researcher wishing to publish a study devoted to old drawings, kept in a French public institution. The jury deliberation date will be on 15 December, 2020.
#fellowship #upcomingdeadline The Menil Drawing Institute in Houston Texas focuses on research on modern and contemporary drawing. The fellowship program will foster scholarship on interdisciplinary, object-based conversations on the drawing medium’s history, theory, criticism, and practice. DL: 11 December 2020. For more information on how to apply, click here.
#job #lastchance The Germanisches Nationalmuseum in Nuremberg is looking for a Head of Collection for the Department of prints and drawings. DL: 29 November 2020. Check the link for more info!
#job The Kunstmuseum in Bern is also looking for a new head of the graphic collection. Application deadline: 6 December 2020.
#fellowship American Postdoctoral Curatorial Fellowship for the 2021-2022 academic year at the Capadimonte Museum in Naples (US citizens only)! The fellow is expected to work on the drawing collection. Click here for more information. DL: 14 January 2021.
#lastchance The Drawing Institute of the Morgan Library & Museum in New York offers two fellowships. The Samuel H. Kress Predoctoral Fellowship and Postdoctoral Fellowship holders will research aspects of the history, theory, collecting, function or interpretation of drawings. DL for both: 30 November 2020. For more information, click here.
#prize The Teylers Stichting, together with Teylers Tweede Genootschap, calls for papers on how prints were disseminated, used and valued. The prize (a gold medal) will be awarded to the winners during a ceremony in the Teylers Museum, Haarlem. Deadline: 31 December 2020. Click here for more information.
#onlineconference The Conference organised by the Historians of Netherlandish Art, calls for papers exploring the topic: Picturing the Pandemic. Epidemic Outbreaks and Their Impact on Art Made in the Netherlands during the Early Modern Era. DL: 10 January 2020. Click here for more info.
#cfp The Getty Research Journal calls for submissions for the February 2022 issue. The journal considers submissions of original scholarship on all cultures, regions, and time periods, and welcomes articles relevant to the Getty’s initiatives, research projects and themes, and collections. DL: 1 January 2020. Check the link for more info!
#goodbye The Rijksmuseum Amsterdam said goodbye to Jane Turner, head of the Print Room, on 1 November 2020. She is retiring after nine years at the Rijksmuseum. Taco Dibbits, director of the museum: Jane Turner has meant a lot to the Rijksmuseum. She has realized many outstanding exhibitions and under her leadership many new acquisitions have been added to the collection of drawings, prints and photographs (...). See the full press release here.

The News Corner Team,
Stay warm and covered -
See you in December!
Iris Louwersheimer &
Marte Sophie Meessen
AG communication coordinators