Thursday, 24 September 2020
Born on this day: Johannes Jelgerhuis, 1770
Dear Ars Graphica members,
The whole AG Team would like to wish you a wonderful and productive academic year!
After having edited more than 50 News Corners, our communication coordinator Silvia Massa, who in January 2020 became "Volontärin" in the Kupferstichkabinett in Berlin, is handing on the torch to new Ars Graphica collaborators. We would like to deeply thank her for her dedication and accuracy in circulating news about the graphic arts to the whole community of Ars Graphica for the last three years.
Iris Louwersheimer and Marte Sophie Meessen will be the new communication
coordinators of Ars Graphica! Together, they will edit our monthly News Corner and manage
the online communication via our Social Media.
Marte Sophie Meessen holds a research M.A. degree in art history from Utrecht University. During her B.A. she focused on (book)illustration. Throughout her studies she used interdisciplinary frameworks to study sixteenth and seventeenth century visual culture. An internship at the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford further enhanced her enthusiasm for prints and drawings. Since 2018 she has been working as a cataloguer of European prints for the project Prentenkabinet Online at the Rijksmuseum Amsterdam.
Iris Louwersheimer finished her research MA Arts of the Netherlands at the University of Amsterdam in 2018. She graduated with a thesis on the news print production of the 17th and 18th century publisher family Allard. Since then, she has been working as a European print cataloguer for the prentenkabinet online project at the Rijksmuseum. During her BA and MA she was an intern at the Amsterdam Museum and the Rijksprentenkabinet.
IMPORTANT – if you have any news you’d like to share with our international network,
please do not hesitate to contact Iris and Marte Sophie at
Kind regards and good research,
Alexandra Blanc
Co-Founder and central committee coordinator
Dear reader,
After this wonderful introduction by Alexandra, and grateful to Silvia for showing us the ropes, we are excited to write the monthly News Corners for you.
We hope you have enjoyed the summer! Well-rested from our staycations ourselves, we are glad that we can inform you about some interesting events and exhibitions.
#newonview Leef/Tijd (Life/Time) is an exhibition with etchings by Rembrandt, paintings by his pupil Abraham van Dijck and prints by the modern artist and Rembrandt fan Aat Veldhoen. It opens 25 September in the Rembrandthuis in Amsterdam, on show until 29 November.
#stillonview Several interesting exhibitions in the Minneapolis Institute of Art, such as A Collector’s Odyssey: Books & Prints from the William P. Kosmas Collection (until 25 April) and Rembrandt in Conversation (until 14 February) with an #onlineevent: a curator talk by Tom Rassieur on 23 October (sign up online).
#newonview Upcoming exhibition (25 September-24 January) Max Beckmann feminine-masculine in the Hamburger Kunsthalle including works on paper, among them the iconic "Quappi im Clubsessel rauchend (1927)" on loan from the Kupferstichkabinett Berlin.
#stillonview Until 10 November the Gemäldegalerie of the National Museums of Berlin hosts the cabinet exhibition Mich tröstet die Liebe zur Kunst. Paul J. Kristeller zwischen Berlin und Italien which presents highlights of Italian Renaissance printmaking (among them works by Mantegna, Giulio Campagnola, Marcantonio Raimondi). Engravings and woodcuts are presented through the eyes of art historian Paul J. Kristeller, who addressed these masterpieces in his essays and books. The exhibition also displays a few objects related to the preservation of the Kupferstichkabinett collection, providing insights into Kristeller’s curatorial activity. The exhibition is curated by our former Ars Graphica communication coordinator Silvia Massa!
#stillonview The exhibition The Renaissance of Etching. From Dürer to Bruegel focuses on the first 70 years of the etched print: displaying approximately 125 etchings from famous and less-famous artists from Germany, Flanders, Italy, and France. It is hosted at the Albertina in Vienna, conceived in cooperation with the Metropolitan Museum in New York, and on show until 18 October.
#ontour Pushing paper: contemporary drawing from 1970 to now, organised by the British Museum in cooperation with other institutes. From 19 September to 29 November on show in the Glynn Vivian Art Gallery, Swansea. The exhibition includes works from each venue, creating a unique new interpretation of Pushing paper at every partnering location.
#openingsoon German Revolution Expressionist prints at the Lady Lever Art Gallery, Liverpool will open 2 October, until 28 February. Including work by Munch, Schiele and Kokoschka, the exhibition features how prints and artists from outside Germany contributed to the evolution of Expressionism.
#Piranesi-party Marking the 300th anniversary of Giovanni Battista Piranesi's birthday on 4 October, many cultural institutions dedicate exhibitions to this great Italian master. In the Kunstbibliothek of the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, the exhibition The Piranesi Principle opens on his birthday. The Istituto Centrale per la Grafica organizes two exhibitions in Rome: Piranesi: Sognare il sogno impossibile at the Palazzo Poli alla Fontana di Trevi and Imprint of the future. Destiny of Piranesi's city (exhibition and research by Sergei Tchoban) at the Palazzo della Calcografia, both from 15 October until 31 January. Still on view until 19 October is Giambattista Piranesi. Architetto senza tempo at the Palazzo Sturm, Bassano del Grappa.
#vacancy Project Assistant for the Association of Print Scholars and Getty Paper Project printmaking workshop for early-career curators (part-time). The deadline for the application is 30 September 2020. Click here.
#vacancy #lastchance The Boijmans van Beuningen in Rotterdam is looking for a Curator of Drawing, for the period from the 15th to the 21st century. Starting date: January 2021. Deadline 28 September 2020!
#fellowship Getty Research Institute invites submissions for residential grants and fellowships. The research proposal needs to address the theme of 'the fragment': many objects of study survive in physically fragmented forms, and any object, artwork, or structure may be conceived of as a fragment of a broader cultural context. Deadline 1 October 2020. For more information on how to apply, click here.
#fellowship David and Julie Tobey Fellowship (four or six months at the Harvard University Center I Tatti in Florence) for post-doctoral research on drawings, prints, and illustrated manuscripts from the Italian Renaissance, and especially the role that these works played in the creative process, the history of taste and collecting, and questions of connoisseurship. Deadline 16 November 2020. Apply here.
#essayprize The Morgan Library & Museum is excited to share an opportunity from Master Drawings, accepting submissions for the 3rd Annual Ricciardi Prize of $5,000! The award is given to the best new and unpublished article on a drawings topic (of any period) by a scholar under the age of 40. Abstracts due on 15 November 2020.
#cfp The Insititut national d'histoire de l'art in Paris has a call for papers about print culture: Aux Marges de l'Imprimé, à la marge: cultures populaires, minoritaires et alternatives de l'Imprimé, 1840-1940. Conference date 20 January 2021. Abstracts due 30 September 2020.
#cfp Check out the call by Journal in_bo, owned by the Department of Architecture of the University of Bologna: Dominion of the Sacred. Image, Cartography, Knowledge of the City. In particular the focus on urban iconography in the printing market. Deadline for abstracts: 1 October 2020.
#congrats To Yvonne Bleyerveld! On 1 October, Yvonne Bleyerveld, Senior Curator Drawings and Prints at the RKD, becomes the Professor by Special Appointment 'Art on Paper and Parchment' at the Faculty of Humanities of Leiden University. The chair, established by the Netherlands Institute for Art History (RKD), is hosted by the Leiden University Center for the Arts in Society (LUCAS) and the Department of Art History.

The News Corner Team,
pencilling you in.
Stay sharp and see you in October!
Iris Louwersheimer &
Marte Sophie Meessen
AG communication coordinators