Thursday, 30 January 2020 Dear readers of The News Corner, the Ars Graphica team wishes you a Happy New Year! We at Ars Graphica hope you had a great start of 2020 and we are looking forward to meeting you in our upcoming events. What's going on in our satellites?
** On 22 January AG Polska visited The Exhibition That Never Happened... Ignacy Łopieński (1865–1941) and the Revival of Printmaking at the National Museum in Warsaw. The exhibition ends on 16 February, so hurry up! If you cannot visit Warsaw, check out Łopieński's works here.
** Today 30 January a special double-event is taking place with AG Swiss at the Kunsthaus Zurich: the exhibition Die Poesie der Linie will open tonight, followed by a guided tour led by Joachim Sieber in the exhibition Die neue Fotografie. Umbruch und Aufbruch, 1970–1990. And what's going on in the world of graphic art? Here is a selection of the events, CFP etc. EXHIBITIONS IN FOCUS
Until 02.02.2020 the National Library of Latvia presents The Early Years of Lithography, with early 19th c. lithographs from the K. Ubāns Art Reading Room collection as well as works by renowned artists such as Delacroix and Géricault. The exhibited works are part of a donation of over 10.000 items by the German art historian Peter Böttger, which the Library received in 2016.
14.01.2020-26.04.2020 In the year of Raphael 2020, the Kupferstichkabinett in Berlin is presenting the Riepenhausen Series, a series of etching on the life of Raphael made in the first half of 19th c. by the artists Johannes and Franz Riepenhausen. The exhibition takes place in the Cabinet in the Gemäldegalerie.
24.01.2020-10.04.2020 Around 30 drawings from the Bolognese school, some of which have never been displayed before, are being presented at the Cabinet des dessins Jean Bonna at the Beaux-Arts de Paris (Le dessin à Bologna, Carrache, Le Guerchin, Dominiquin...).
30.11.2019-13.09.2020 The exhibition Un Architetto al tempo di Canova. Alessandro Papafava e la sua raccolta at the Palladio Museum in Vicenza presents a collection of architecture drawings and prints made between 18th and 19th c. The drawings by the Padova-born architect Alessandro Papafava (1784-1861) were bequeathed to the Centro Internazionale di Studi di Architettura Andrea Palladio in Vicenza.
--> hot off the press <--
6 February: the book I disegni di Giovan Battista Beinaschi nella collezione della Kunstakademie Düsseldorf al Kunstpalast / Die Zeichnungen des Giovan Battista Beinaschi by Francesco Grisolia will be presented at the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf.
02.03.2020: deadline to submit your application to attend the free Seminar on Writing Articles for Publication. The seminar is organised by Master Drawings and will take place on 22 April, 2-5PM in New York, at The Morgan Library & Museum.
14.03.2020, 10AM-6PM: From Creation to Collection: Making and Marketing Drawings in Nineteenth-Century France, Cleveland Museum of Art, Morley Lecture Hall. This international event is organised in anticipation of a major exhibition and publication focused on the Cleveland Museum of Art’s holdings of 19th-century French drawings in spring 2022.
31.03.2020: deadline to send your paper to Grafica d'Arte (issues for 2020 and 2021). Articles can address any aspect of the history of prints and drawing. You can find the CFP here.
The Saint Louis Museum (USA) is looking for a Senior Research Assistant/Assistant Curator and Study Room Manager for Prints, Drawings and Photographs. Applications due by 15.02.2020, see all details here.
The Morgan Library & Museum announced the Moore Curatorial Fellowship in the department of Prints and Drawings: 1-year appointment, eligible for a one-year renewal, starting September 2020. Applications due 01.03.2020, all details are available here.
Paper conservators needed!
Assistant paper conservators are needed in Portland, Portland Art Museum (apply by 13.02.2020), and in Baltimore, at the Walters Art Museum (apply by 22.02.2020). Details available here and here.

Working with/studying archives and photography collections housed in companies? Then this may be of interest to you: 15.02.2020 is the deadline to submit your proposal for the workshop Photography Collections of Financial Companies II, which will take place at the National Bank of Greece in Athens on 12.06.2020. All information available here.

Would you like to post your event, CFP, research topic on The News Corner? Get in touch! And remember our new blog section devoted to reviews (of books, of exhibitions), where you can also post your article. Interested in our satellites' activities? Check out here which is the satellite nearest to you!
Silvia Massa
AG communication coordinator