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Silvia Massa


As this year is coming to a close, Ars Graphica satellites never rest and in December they will meet their members for two special events: on 4 December AG Swiss will attend a curator tour of the exhibition "Max Sulzbachner. Mondnächte und Basler Tamtam" at the Kunstmuseum Basel, while on 11 December AG Paris will travel to the Musée de Cluny in Paris to visit the exhibition 'Mystérieux coffrets. Estampes au temps de la dame à la licorne'. Scroll down to the end of The News Corner to read more details concerning these two events! And don't forget to check our blog to read a report by AG Dutch&Flemish dedicated to their afternoon spent in Brussels to admire graphic works by Pieter Bruegel the Elder.


Thursday, 28 November 2019

Born on this day: William Blake (1757)


Madrid, Museo Lázaro Galdiano: Dibujos de Guillermo Martín Bermejo. Exposición "La pléyade de La España Moderna" (until 12 January 2020). This exhibition shows the pencil portraits made by Guillermo Martín Bermejo (Madrid, 1971) depicting 16 writers who published in José Lázaro Galdiano's «La España Moderna» (1889-1914), including Edmond and Jules Goncourt, Gustave Flaubert, Oscar Wilde, Friedrich Nietzsche. The portraits are shown together with copies of the original editions, joining Lázaro's passion for art, literature, drawings and books.

Malta, Valletta, Upper Galleries of the Malta Society of Arts in Palazzo De La Salle: the iMprint biennial (until 30 November). iMprint (founded in 2013 by Jesmond Vassallo) is Malta’s only exhibition dedicated to prints made by some of the best Maltese artists as well as by foreign printmakers. This year, the exhibition features 30 prints by the post-war German artist Horst Janssen, loaned by Janssen’s family, and a collection of prints by one of Malta’s pioneers of modern art: Frank Portelli. 28 contemporary artists will also showcase their prints on this occasion.

The exhibition reflects upon the use of drawing books as an essential pedagogical tool for learning drawing and and their evolution in Europe, including Spain. More than 100 examples, the majority from the Prado’s own Library, will be displayed. to understand changes in the system of teaching drawing in artists’ workshops and Fine Arts academies as well as for amateurs at home.

Paris, Musée du Louvre: Officier et gentleman au 19e siècle. La collection Horace His de la Salle (until 10 February 2020).

One of the most generous donors of all time to French museums, Aimé Charles Horace His de La Salle (1795–1878) was a lover of drawings, as well as sculptures and objets d’art. The exhibition displays some of his bequests to several departments of the Louvre (Prints and Drawings, Paintings, Sculptures, and Decorative Arts), as well as other artworks loaned from other museums favored by His de La Salle: Alençon, Dijon, Lyon, the École des Beaux-Arts.

Orléans, Musée de Beaux Arts: Dialogues avec le dessin. Estampes su XVIe au XIXe siècle (until 19 January 2020).


Today 28 November begins the second edition of La Semaine des Galeries Parisiennes de l’Estampe et du Dessin with the vernissage between 5PM and 9PM. The event, organised by the CSEDT, Chamber Syndacale de l'Estampe, du Dessin et du Tableau, has a full programme where several galleries in Paris will present their selection of drawings and prints.

--> upcoming deadline! 30 November (noon): deadline to apply for the position of British Museum-Getty Foundation Prints and Drawings Curatorial Fellow, full time, fixed term for 18 months. Key tasks include to assist in the study and research of the Museum's Old Master and 19th-century drawings and the Museum's wider graphic collections, and to maintain, update and improve the on-line records of the Museum's graphic holdings. Check here the full job description.

13 December: Zur Geschichte und Theorie der Künstlerlithographie. The conference will start at 1PM and will take place in Mainz at the Institut für Kunstgeschichte und Musikwissenschaft; organised by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für die Erforschung des 19. Jahrhunderts e. V. Talks by Johannes Rößler, Joel Fischer, Natalie Gutgesell, Kerstin Thomas, Gregor Wedekind und Steffen Haug, Roman Widera, Clara Wörsdörfer; see here the full schedule.

15 December: deadline to submit an article for the second annual Ricciardi prize awarded by Master Drawings.$5,000 will be awarded to the winner!

20 December: apply as curatorial assistant for works on paper at the Clark Art Institute, Williamstown, MA. The position is intended to serve as preparation for advanced careers in museum curatorial departments or for graduate study. It is a one-year position, renewable for a second year. Check out all details here.

31 December: apply to the new 2-year curatorial fellowships announced by The Morgan Library & Museum: the Belle da Costa Greene Curatorial Fellowships, to be awarded to promising scholars from communities historically underrepresented in the curatorial and special collections fields. Candidates should be interested in working on specific projects offered by a range of departments at The Morgan, including Drawings and Prints, Modern and Contemporary Drawings, Printed Books and Bindings. Eligibility and project details are outlined here.

15 January: deadline to submit your proposal for the new conference at the Courtauld Institute dedicated to prints: Prints in their Place: New research on printed images in their places of production, sale and use (London, 19-20 June 2020). The conference is organised by Dr. Sheila McTighe (Senior Lecturer, The Courtauld Institute of Art), Dr. Paris Spies-Gans (Junior Fellow, Society of Fellows at Harvard University) and Dr. Anita Viola Sganzerla (independent scholar). The organisers solicit papers that address printed images in relation to their early modern and modern contexts in the broadest sense, and hope to include papers that cover the full span of the history of prints, and the range of disciplines in which print is now studied, from art history, the history of the book and print culture studies, to the history of science and ideas. Check out the CFP here.


Photography, archives and copyright. Is photography heritage? And as heritage, whom does it belong to? Who can claim rights on a picture? To share some light on this complicated matter, especially concerning photographic archives, a meeting took place last October in Milan at the Castello Sforzesco as part of "Archivi Aperti" initiative. Three layers expert on intellectual property shared their views on the topic. A full video registration of the meeting is available, check it out here.

Un patrimonio da ordinare. Photographers’ catalogues have made an invaluable contribution to the creation of lists of monuments and works of art and hence to the systematization of the artistic heritage. The online exhibition "Trésors d'art à la portée de tous" – Photographers’ catalogues organised by the Photothek of the Kunstihistorisches Institut Florenz reflects on photographers' catalogues as essential sources for studying photographic ateliers as well as the photographs themselves thanks to the information concerning techniques, circulation, datings and attributions. In connection with the study days Un patrimonio da ordinare: i cataloghi a stampa dei fotografi held at Fondazione Zeri in Bologna in 2018, whose proceedings are now available.


This December we bring you two events organised by AG Swiss and AG Paris:

Wednesay 4 December at 6:30PM - Join Ars Graphica Swiss for the Kuratorenführung „Max Sulzbachner. Mondnächte und Basler Tamtam" at Kunstmuseum Basel. The visit will be led by Géraldine Meyer, who is curator of the exhibition as well as one of the coordinators of AG Swiss. Focus of the event will be the Expressionist early work of the artist Max Sulzbachner (1904-1975), including the woodcut series "Mondnächte" from 1925, which is presented to the public for the first time. More on the exhibition here.

Wednesday 11 December at 4.30PM - Our satellite based in Paris invites AG members to join them for a special visit to the exhibition 'Mystérieux coffrets. Estampes au temps de la dame à la licorne' at the Musée de Cluny. The exhibition presents 100 items (prints, coffers, printed books, stained-glass, drawings) evoking the style of Jean d’Ypres, and suggests possible uses of a pairing that combines a small furnishing with a #printed image. The visit will be guided by the three curators: Séverine Lepape, (Director, Musée de Cluny), Caroline Vrand (Conservatrice du patrimoine, BnF - Bibliothèque nationale de France) and Michel Huynh (Conservateur général du patrimoine, Musée de Cluny). More about this exhibition here.

👉 Would you like to join? Then get in touch with satellites coordinators, by writing an email to arsgraphicaswiss(at) and arsgraphicaparis(at)

AG events bring together members, colleagues and friends, enthusiasts of graphic arts! Here is a video of artist Linda Karshan in conversation with British Museum curator Frances Carey in the context of Linda Karshan: Studio View, which took place in October 2017, Redfern Gallery, London. Ars Graphica London was there!

See you next month with a pre-Xmas edition of The News Corner!

Silvia Massa

AG communication coordinator

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