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Silvia Massa

As autumn leaves fall all around, Ars Graphica satellites prepared their first two events of the new academic year! This week AG Roma and AG Dutch&Flemish gathered with satellite members to admire prints and drawings and to talk with curators: our friends in Rome visited together the exhibition "Una zoografia per Pinocchio" with drawings by Filippo Sassoli at the Istituto Centrale per la Grafica; while our friends in Brussels visited the exhibition "The world of Brueghel in black and white" at the KBR-National Library of Belgium. Stay tuned, reports of these events will soon be published on our blog!


Thursday, 31 October 2019

Born on this day: Jan Vermeer (1632)


Leonardo Da Vinci: a life in drawing (Edinburgh, The Queen's Gallery, Palace of Holyroodhouse, until 15 March 2020)

A l'école de l'antique: Poussin, Géricault, Ingres (Paris, Ecole de Beaux-Arts, Cabinet Jean Bonnat, until 12 January 2020)

Rien que pour vos yeux #2. Les plus belles estampes des collections (Vevey, Musée Jenisch Vevey, until 5 January 2020).

William Blake (London, Tate, until 2 February 2020).


Grafica d'arte 2020 issues. The Italian journal ”Grafica d'arte” is accepting papers on any topic related to prints and drawings between 15th and 21st c. Articles must be written in Italian and will be subject to blind peer-review process. Deadline: 31 March 2020. Submission details can be found here.


Digital-age approaches to early modern engraved, etched and imprinted epitome. Images, objects, materials and methods (Copenhagen, 6-9 November 2019). The international workshop interrogates how prints vitally contributed to the early modern construction of targets of heuristic inquiry. The event brings together diverse incised, etched and engraved images, objects and materials produced c. 1500-1700 to reframe a comparative history of the rise of the ‘epistemic imprint’ across cultural, religious, and geographic divides as superintendent technology for aestheticizing knowledge formation rendering imperceptible entities accessible to the senses, from the interdisciplinary perspective of international academic researchers and museum professionals trained in different fields and drawing on diverse methodological approaches. The workshop is open to the public free of charge. Pre-registration is required, see here for details and contacts.

GRAFIEK2019: The Dutch foundation Grafein organises and supports projects in the field of printmaking and graphic design. Their project Grafiek2019 brings together over a hundred graphic art activities in the Netherlands between 1 September and 30 November 2019. Under the theme Panta Rhei masterclasses, exhibitions, workshops and book presentations related to historic and modern prints, printmaking and graphic design will see the light.

The final event will be the conference taking place at the Centraal Museum in Utrecht on 29 November 2019. Participants in the Grafiek2019 project will talk about their experiences by means of 5-minute presentations; Aamong them, Ad Stijnman will show a number of Rembrandt prints that display what materials and techniques he used in plate making and printmaking, and discuss about how the participants to the masterclass trained and applied these. Check out the full programme here and an interactive map with all activities here.

There is a special project, Print the City/Rub the Streets, aimed at children from primary and secondary schools throughout the Netherlands, aimed at encouraging interest in printmaking of by making impressions/rubbings of elements in their neighbourhoods.

MEMORIES ON JOHN RUSKIN: UNTO THIS LAST. The University of Florence, Alma Mater Studiorum | University of Bologna, University of Verona, IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca and The Ruskin – Library, Museum and Research Centre, University of Lancaster, marking 2019 the bicentenary of the birth of John Ruskin (London, February 8, 1819 – Brantwood, January 20, 1999), one of the most representative intellectuals of the 19th century English society, organise a series of celebratory events. Conference will take place on 28-29-30 November at IMT Lucca, University of Florence and University of Verona.


Menil Drawing Institute Fellowships, Houston: Pre-Doctoral Fellowship aimed at American and international researchers who work in fields pertaining to modern and contemporary drawing practices. The fellowship lasts for 9 months, from September to June. Deadline 11 December 2019, see application details here.

The Drawing Institute, a center of research based at the Morgan Library & Museum, will award one Samuel H. Kress Predoctoral Fellowship (September/October 2020–May/June 2021) to an advanced-level graduate student who has completed all course work and exams and is currently engaged in carrying out research leading to the completion of a doctoral dissertation in the history of art, some component of which pertains to the history, theory, collecting, function or interpretation of old master and/or modern drawings.

Approaching deadline for the David and Julie Tobey fellowship on Renaissance drawing at "I Tatti", Florence: apply by 15 November!


The web has great resources for scholars! Important public collections of graphic art have some or all their collection online (for example the British Museum, the Metropolitan, the Prado...) and more and more is being digitised. On the Ars Graphica website we have collected a number of web links that bring you to some of these databases, check it out!

There is a new project online: Sibi et amicis! Graphik von und nach Albrecht Dürer online. As a result of the DFG-funded research project "Die Graphiksammlung Joseph Hellers (1798–1849) in der Staatsbibliothek Bamberg – Visualisierung und Vernetzung einer Sammlungsstruktur", the Staatsbibliothek Bamberg presents Joseph Heller's collection of prints focusing on works of and by Albrecht Dürer. Around 1850 digitised prints are accessible for free and high resolution. Start browsing!

New online is also Nouvelles de l'estampe, which since 2018 is only available online on the platform OpenEdition Journals. All the issues published since 2010 are also available full-text with the original illustrations in PDF format.



Keep sending us events and projects about graphic art going on in your area/museum/university, we will be happy to share! #sharing is #caring

See you next month!

Silvia Massa

AG communication coordinator

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