Welcome autumn and welcome back dear readers of The News Corner! We have some fresh news for you: we have just launched a new section on our blog where we will publish reviews of exhibitions and books. Our first review was written by Tilman Lingesleben who presented the exhibition Rembrandts Strich (Dresden, Kupferstichkabinett, 14.06.-15.09.19). Read it here!
But there's more! Visit our blog to read the latest reports of Ars Graphica events!
Thursday, 26 September 2019
Born on this day: Théodore Géricault (1791)

Albrecht Dürer (Vienna, Albertina, until 6 January 2020)
Dürer. Il privilegio dell'inquietudine (Bagnacavallo, Museo delle Cappuccine, until 19/01/20)
Menzel. Maler auf Papier (Berlin, Kupferstichkabinett, until 19/01/20)
Albrecht Dürer | Wing of a Blue Roller, c. 1500 | © The Albertina Museum, Vienna
Im Blick: het beste van Rembrandt. Zeichnungen und Radierungen des Münchner Kabinetts (München, Graphische Sammlung, 27/09/19-13/10/19).
Rembrandt. Meisterwerke aus der Sammlung (Hamburg, Kunsthalle, until 05/01/20)
L’Artiste en gravure : de Michel-Ange à Marcel Duchamp (Lille, Palais Beaux-Arts, until 06/01/20)
Leonardo da Vinci: A Life in drawing (London, Buckingham Palace, The Queen's Gallery, until 13/10/19)
Reconstructing Cezanne: sequence and process in Paul Cezanne's works on paper (London, Luxembourg & Dayan, opening 02/10/19 until 07/12/19)
Gauguin e il diario di Noa Noa (Barolo, Aula Picta, until 03/11/19)
Hokusai Hiroshige Utamaro. Capolavori dell'arte giapponese (Pavia, Scuderie del Castello Visconteo, 12/10/19-09/02/20).
Giapponismo. Venti d'Oriente nell'arte europea (Rovigo, Palazzo Roverella, 28/09/19-26/01/20)
Biennials & Fairs
X Rassegna Internazionale di Incisione Cremona 2019 - 22 September - 27 October 2019, Cremona, Centro culturale "Santa Maria della Pietà". The Biennial will present four different exhibitions: Nuovi Approdi, Rare Editions, Italian Printmaking under 35, Ex Libris 500 Leonardo Da Vinci. Read more here!
Reminder: the IFPDA Fine Art Print Fair, held annually in New York City, the largest and most celebrated art fair dedicated to the artistic medium of printmaking, will soon open its doors: mark your calendars for 23-27 October.
2 October 2019: Knifework. Traces on the artist's block: one-day symposium that will explore aspects of modern woodblock printmaking in East Asia, with a special focus on connections between China and Japan. Oxford, Ashmolean Museum for Art and Archeology, 1.45PM-5PM. The symposium is linked to the exhibition: LIFELINES - THE WOODCUTS OF NAOKO MATSUBARA on view until the 6 October. Book online here for free seats.
11 October 2019: Histoire du papier et de la papeterie. Actualités de la recherche. Join the Association Française pour l’Histoire et l’Etude du Papier et des Papeteries for a study day on paper, paper making and current research in the field. In Paris (Salle Vasari, Galerie Colbert), 8.30 AM - 5.30 PM. Topics presented will include how to explore material aspects of paper using machine learning and AI technologies; materiality of blue paper; the use of cardboard by 20th century-artists; paper used in Early Modern handpress books; & much more! Check the full programme here.

Study Day on Nineteenth-Century French Drawings (13 March 2020). In anticipation of a major exhibition and publication in spring 2022, the Cleveland Museum of Art is convening a study day that will focus on new discoveries relating to the materials, function, and collecting of drawings in nineteenth-century France. Funded by the Getty Foundation’s Paper Project, the event will offer an opportunity for experts and emerging scholars to engage with the CMA’s strong holdings in this area and to discuss current issues in the field. Organized by Britany Salsbury, The Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, Ohio. Proposal deadline: 30 September 2019. Read more here!
Travelling Seminars in Italy. The Collecting of Old Master Drawings in Italy, from Giorgio Vasari onwards (Florence, Milan and Verona, 7-20 June 2020). The Seminar will offer 12 young curators and conservators a full immersion training course of around two weeks, based in Florence at the Accademia delle Arti del Disegno. The course will include museum visits, workshops and seminars (in English and Italian) in order to enable applicants to study closely and therefore familiarise themselves with the collections of the Horne Foundation Museum, the Biblioteca Marucelliana, the Opificio delle Pietre Dure, the Castello Sforzesco in Milan and the Musei Civici, Verona. Apply by 30 September 2019, read here how!
Growing Networks (Cambridge, London and Edinburgh, 7 – 15 June 2020). This series of workshops and collections visits organised by The Fitzwilliam Museum is aimed at early- to mid-career curators of botanical works of art on paper working in art museums, libraries, archives, botanic gardens and herbaria. The project is supported by The Getty Foundation, as part of The Paper Project: Prints and Drawings Curatorship in the 21st Century. All UK travel, accommodation and meal expenses will be covered by the grant. Questions about the programme may be directed to Jo Vine, Research Facilitator ( Deadline: 13 October 2019. Read more here!
I Tatti - The Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance Studies, based in Florence, offers the David and Julie Tobey Fellowship to support research in drawings, prints, and illustrated manuscripts from the Italian Renaissance, and especially the role that these works played in the creative process, the history of taste and collecting, and questions of connoisseurship. The residential fellowship (4/6 months) is intended to scholars with PhD in hand by the time of application; deadline to apply: 15 November 2019. Read more and how here.
Forum BildDruckPapier (Stadtmuseum Dresden) is organising its next annual conference (24-26 May 2020, Ravensburg). The core topic will be "Spiele(n) aux Papier ("Games From Paper - Games on Paper"): scholars are invited to submit their ideas, topics and other suggestions to be considered. The call for papers is open until 8 November 2019. All details here!
The Staatsgalerie Stuttgart is looking for two paper conservators, one full-time and one part-time 60%, for a two-year contract. Job description and details here!

The Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe is also looking for a paper conservator (part-time), starting from January 2020 until June 2021. Apply by 20 October, check the job description here!
IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca is organising a Winter School on the notion of "cut": Being on the Border. History and Theory of Cut in the Humanities and Social Sciences. The winter school will take place in Lucca, 26-29 November 2019, in connection with the major conference Ruskin 200, "Unto this last". Memories on John Ruskin. Confirmed keynote speakers include Costanza Caraffa (Head of the Photo Library at the Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florence). The Winter School will adopt a wide variety of teaching formats, from keynote lectures and workshops to group discussions and class visits to public and private collections, exhibitions, and institutions.

Darkrooms and Representations: Histories of Photography, Film and Exploration (2nd- 3rd April 2020. National Maritime Museum, Royal Museums Greenwich, UK). Papers are sought on the histories, theories and philosophies of photography, film and audio-visual forms which intersect with narratives of exploration: its politics, ideologies (gender, class, imperialism) their subversion and subtexts through to its use in educational and entertainment forms both past and present. Deadline for submission of abstracts: 4 October. Read more here.
Those working in the field of metadata and object descriptions will be happy to learn that "LIDO-Handbuch für die Erfassung und Publikation von Metadaten zu kulturellen Objekten. Band 1: Graphik" has just been published! The handbook, which lists all relevant data field for the description of prints and drawings, providing common standards for data content and data structures, results from the cooperation among the members of the Arbeitskreis Graphik vernetzt. More information on the book structure and content can be found here!

Are you interested in publishing a review on our blog? Submit it to us!!
All the best, and till next month!
Silvia Massa
Communication Coordinator