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Silvia Massa

Thursday 27 June 2019

Born on this day: Johan Paul Schor (Innsbruck, 1615)


Plans for the summer? A trip to Paris is always a good idea! At the Louvre two new exhibitions have just opened and you have time to visit them until 30 September:

Dessins italiens de la collection Mariette: around 100 drawings by some of the best known Italian masters such as Michelangelo, Raffaello, Tiziano, Veronese, Reni, Guercino. These drawings used to belong to the well-known collector Pierre Jean Mariette (1694-1774), an engraver and art dealer, whose amazing collection of drawings was auctioned in 1775-1776. The exhibition is curated by Pierre Rosenberg, author of the catalogue

Antoine-Jean Gros (1771-1835) Dessins du Louvre: one of the most important disciples of Jacques-Louis David, Gros' drawings show how he developed his own language, becoming a precursor of Romantism. The exhibition, organised by Laura Angelucci, starts as the Inventaire général des dessins d'Antoine-Jean Grow (1771-1835) au Louvre is being published.


The Association of Print Scholars invites submissions for the 2019 APS Publication Grant, supported by C.G. Boerner and Harris Schrank, to support publication of innovative scholarly research about printmaking across all time periods and geographic regions. Proposed projects should be feature-length articles, online publications or essays, exhibition catalogues, or books, which are nearing completion and publication. The Grant (maximum award $2,000) could cover: travel expenses for research, studio time and courses, assistance for image permissions, etc. To learn on how to prepare the application please visit the dedicated page on the APS website . The deadline to apply is 31 August!!


The LACMA - Los Angeles County Museum of Art is looking for a Curator or Assistant/associate Curator for pre-1850 European prints & drawings. The job will include oversee the presentation of the Museum's works on paper in the new spaces, in fact the LACMA will soon begins construction on a new building for permanent collection display! See here for more details on requirements and duties, apply by 6 July!

The Royal Botanic Gardens in Kew, London, are seeking a project paper conservator to work alongside collections staff on Kew's art collections, which include works on paper and vellum. The main focus of this role will be the assessment, examination and conservation of the Library, Art and Archive (LAA)'s botanical illustrations collection. The collection is estimated to comprise 200,000 items, the majority of which are watercolours dating from the 19th century. This is a full time job (part time option available) for 2 years. Read more here and apply by 14 July!

If you have a passion for the artist Antony Gormley, and you have qualification or experience in archives and records management, then you might be interested to know that the Antony Gormley Studio is looking for an Archives and Drawings Coordinator in London (permanent position). The successful candidate will deal with archives management, drawings archive and registration, photography and image archive, publications, storage, copyright requests, exhibition and projects archive (read more here). Apply by 14 July by sending a CV and covering letter addressing the job description to


Ars Graphica members could be interested in the following sessions:

Lost Works of Art in Print (Panel sponsored by the Association of Print Scholars)

Organizers: Claudia Echinger-Maurach/Anne Bloemacher, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster.

Considering the comprehensive literature on works of art lost during World War II, the absence of scholarship on lost paintings, sculptures and architecture from the Renaissance with special regard to their “preservation” in print is astounding. show the double face of preserving the work of art and to produce a new one through line, light and shade, but also (sometimes) through observing nature in a more intense way and in creating a convincing ensemble, fusing the style of the depicted work of art with the style of the engraver.

Read more here and apply by 16 July!

The Image of the Book: 1300–1600

Organisers: Nicholas HermanSchoenberg Institute for Manuscript Studies, University of Pennsylvania; Barbara Williams Ellertson, BASIRA Project.

This session seeks to assemble speakers who will address the depiction of books in painting, sculpture, print, and other art forms from a range of perspectives and disciplines, with an eye towards understanding images as mediated signs as opposed to transparent representations of “real” objects and practices. Read more here & apply by 10 August!


KEEP CALM - it's almost vacation time!

See you in July,

Silvia Massa

AG Communication Coordinator

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