Thursday, 30 May 2019
Born on this day: Wallerant Vaillant (1623)

The Philadelphia Museum of Art is looking for a Park Family Assistant or Associate Curator of Prints and Drawings who will report directly to the Head of the Prints, Drawings, and Photographs Department and will contribute to a robust program of exhibitions and publications, help oversee the management and development of the Museum’s collection of works on paper.
Deadline: 9 June!
The Beaux-Arts in Paris, Département du Développement scientifique et culturel, offer a 2-year curatorial fellowship as part of the Getty Paper Project.
Deadline: 10 June! The job will start on 9 September.

On 5 June at 5PM Marzia Faietti will be giving a talk around "Raffaello, parole e immagini" at the Vasari Auditorium of the Uffizi. This is the last appointment of a series of talks entitled Dialoghi d'arte e cultura, which took place at the Uffizi between January and June 2019.
6 June, 4PM: Benjamin Couilleaux, directeur du musée Bonnat-Helleu, Bayonne and commissaire of the exhibition Génération et révolution. Dessins français du musée Fabre (1770-1815) will give the talk Jean-Baptiste Regnault (1745-1829) dessinateur: la ligne sensuelle.
La bottega di Dürer. Around the Dürer exhibition in Genoa, the students of the art academy Accademia Ligustica di Belle Arti are presenting techniques and processes behind woodcuts and engravings. Next meeting: 9 June 2019.
Munch and his world: this symposium, organised around the exhibition Edvard Munch: love and angst (British Museum, until 21 July), will take place on 14 June at the British Museum, Stevenson Lecture Theatre. A group of international scholars will discuss the critical influence of Munch’s early years in Kristiania, his interest in travel and the inspirational effect of the cultural avant garde and new ideas in technology and science on his art and printmaking techniques.
There are two open CFP for the journal «Focales»:
CFP 1 Photographie document(aire) & fiction
Send your proposal with a short bio by 30 June 2019
CFP 2 La photographie publicitaire de l’entre-deux-guerres.
Send your proposal by 31 December 2019 (articles will be due before 15 June 2020).
--> upcoming event <--
On 8 June at 3PM, AG PARIS will visit the atelier of Maxime Préaud, printmaker and "conservateur honoraire" of the Département des estampes de la Bibliothèque nationale de France. Since the atelier can only accomodate 10 people, please sign up asap by writing an email to AG PARIS -->
--> it has just happened! <--
Last Tuesday, AG ROMA visited the Archivio Centrale dello Stato (Central State Archive) in Rome, guided by the architect Lorello. More soon about this event!

Something is happening around the corner and you want people in the graphic art world to know about it?
Send us an email, we will add the news in our next issues!
Silvia Massa
AG communication coordinator