Happy New Year! 2019 brings two major anniversaries: Leonardo Da Vinci and Rembrand. Many works of art (including prints and drawings) will be on the move this year... Also, a big show on Munch's prints has been announced by the British Museum, while prints by Bruegel will be on display starting from October at the Bibliothèque Royale de Belgique in Bruxelles, preceeded by "L'Estampe au Temps de Bruegel", starting in February at the BOZAR Palais des Beaux Arts.
January 10th, 2019
Born on this day: Jan Theunisz Blanckerhoff (1628)
The Uffizi are now hosting an exhibition on the Leicester Code, lent by its owner Bill Gates: Il Codice Leicester di Leonardo da Vinci. L'Acqua Microscopio della Natura. The exhibition is closing on January 21. Hurry up!
Other exhibitions opening in January
Käthe Kollwitz Museum in Köln: KÄTHE KOLLWITZ - ZEITENWENDE(N). Aufbruch und Umbruch zwischen Kaiserreich und Nationalsozialismus (opened 10 January, until 24 March). Guided tours on Thursdays (5PM) and Sundays (3PM); "Expertenführung" with Alexandra von dem Knesebeck on 20 January (3PM).
Chicago, Art Institute: Into the void. Prints of Lee Bontecou (opens 26 January, until May 5). This exhibition is the first show devoted to Bontecou’s prints since 1975 and is drawn from the Art Institute’s complete edition and significant archive of her 1962-1982 production at Universal Limited Art Editions.
Biblioteca Nacional de Hispana: Idomeneo. La proyección de un mito. De Homero a Mozart (opening 15 January, until 17 March). This exhibition curated by Javier de Diego Romero presents prints, drawings, manuscript, music sheets and audio registrations to illustrate the story of the myth of Idomeo, from Homer to Mozart.
The Paper Museum in Pescia (Lucca) will launch this Saturday (5PM) their new exhibition 20 x 15. Opere su carta per l'Archivio Storico Magnani di Pescia. To celebrate and strengthen the relationship between local artists and Magnani paper, ten 20x15 cards were sent to ten artists who engraved them with their own technique: these cards will now enrich the museum collections.
** PHOTOGRAPHY ** From 18 January until 8 February the Fondazione Adolfo Pini in Milano will host Conversazioni di Luce: fotografie di Mario Castagneri, Mario Crimella, Dino Zani. On display, portraits of Gabriele D’Annunzio, Luigi Pirandello, Giacomo Puccini, Tamara De Lempicka and other great authors. The exhibition is curated by Valentina Barbieri as a result of the scholarship "Progetto Inedito 2018" dedicated to under-35 students from Academies and Universities in Milan.

The MoMa is looking for a curatorial assistant in the Department of Drawings and Prints; a particular expertise/exposure to European art from 1880 to 1930 is required. Apply by January 14.
The British Library is recruiting a Bengali language cataloguer to join the Two Centuries of Indian Print project in the South Asia section, within the BL’s Asia and African Collections. This is a fixed-term contract. Apply by January 20.

The Philadelphia Museum of Art announces a two-year (first year renewable) Curatorial Fellowship in Prints, Drawings, and Photographs, that will provide firsthand experience with curatorial work in the graphic arts. Apply by March 1st.
The Italian peer-reviewed quarterly journal Grafica d'arte is open for article proposals (in Italian) on prints and drawings on the topic "Man and the City". Read more on their website.
There is still time until January 25 to submit the application for the The Potential of Technical Studies and Conservation for Prints and Drawings Curatorship: A Professional Workshop (Harvard Art Museums) which will take place Harvard Art Museums, Cambridge, MA, USA, 9-11 July: an intensive three-day international workshop to support up to 16 early and mid-career curators in the fields of prints and drawings.

--> at the end of 2018, the Ars Graphica Dutch&Flemish satellite visited the Leonardo exhibition that took place at the Teylers Museum in Haarlem. On our blog you can read a short report of this event!
To keep updated with our satellites' events, send an email to the satellite you're interested in: here you can find the complete list!

Don't forget to explore (and to share!) the new online resource the Metropolitan made available:
A new section of drawing techniques is under preparation. Enjoy!
Silvia Massa
Ars Graphica communication coordinator
Icons by The Noun Project