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Silvia Massa

6 December, 2018

Born on this day: Rudolf Schlichter (1890)


Max Liebermann portraitiert van Emil Orlik ©Stadtmuseum Berlin

Paul Cassirer, portraitiert von Emil Orlik, Berlin VErlag Cassirer,

LBZ/Pfälzische Landesbibliothek Speyer ©GDKE Landesmuseum Mainz

Landes Museum Mainz: Ein Tag am Meer - Slevogt, Liebermann & Cassirer. The exhibition includes rare sheets by Slevogt and previously unpublished material from his correspondence with Cassirer. Until February 10.

Palazzo Mazzetti in Cremona is hosting Chagall. Colore e magia (until February 3). On display, together with paintings, also prints, drawings and watercolours.

To celebrate 100 years from the foundation of the Società Svizzera di Grafica, the Museo Villa dei Cedri in Bellinzona is hosting (until February 3):

-Fernando Bordoni. Tracce del (in)visible

-Internazionalismo e «eccezione elvetica»

The Museo di Palazzo Moncenigo in Venice is hosting La Venezia di Tintoretto to celebrate 500 years from the artist's birth. Prints and drawings are on display together with many accessories related to fashion. Until January 6!

250 works (including preparatory drawings) by U. Hiroshige and K. Hokusai ("Oltre l'Onda") are on display at the Civico Museo Archeologico di Bologna (until February 10).

James Ensor & Alexander Kluge: Dark Centuries proposes a unique pairing between the graphic oeuvre of Belgian artist James Ensor and the films of German filmmaker and writer Alexander Kluge. At the Fondation Vincent Van Gogh in Arles, until February 10.


17 December: deadline to apply for the Michael Bromberg Fellowship at the British Museum. The fellowship was endowed in 1978 to promote education by the study of prints and their history, and since 2001 has been held in the British Museum. Practical training in the understanding of printmaking techniques and knowledge of print history through the fellowship is given by means of fellowships lasting about three months in the Department of Prints and Drawings.

31 December: deadline to apply for the APS Collaboration Grant. The grant funds public programs and projects that foster collaboration between members of the print community and/or encourage dialogue between the print community and the general public. The grant carries a maximum award of $1,000. Projects should provide new insights into printmaking and introduce prints to new audiences.

*NEW ONLINE RESOURCE* the Journal of the History of Collections launched a new thematic virtual issue on collecting prints and drawings. Articles are fully accessible and can be reached through this link.



Together with the Centre Allemand d'histoire de l'art, AG PARIS organised a visit to the exhibition Georges Focus (1644-1708): La folie d'un peintre de Louis XIV at the Ecole des beaux-arts de Paris.

The visit will be guided by Emmanuelle Brugerolles, commissaire de l'exposition, and it will take place next week. In order to attend, please get in touch with AG Paris by writing to arsgraphicaparis(at)



Ars Graphica is now running on LinkedIn under the name "Ars Graphica International Association"


*deadline icon by Dinosoft Labs from the Noun Project

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