October 25, 2018
Born on this day: Pablo Picasso (1881)
Hello, the WOCHENENDE DER GRAFIK is coming!
Prints and drawings collections in Germany, Switzerland and Austria are preparing events, tours, talks, workshops and more for the weekend of 10-11 November.
Here for example is what the Kunstmuseum Basel will be doing:
On November 10 and 11, AM and PM, there will be 16 short tours in the collection with highlights on specific artworks, chosen by museum staff members but not only!
On Sunday 11, between 10AM and 4PM, there will be a "museum sketch crawl" with the urban sketcher Javier Alberich and Boris Zatko.

29 October: Storia dell'arte in Figura. Study day organised by E. Oy-Marra, S. Prosperi Valenti Rodinò, F. Grisolia at the Kunstihistorisches Institut in Florence.
5-6 November: Many Antwerp Hands, collaborations in the Netherlandish art, 1400-1750. This international conference on artistic collaboration in the Early Modern Low Countries will take place at the Rubenianum in Antwerp.
9 November: Le dessin élargi, with Bernard Moninot, artist, and Olivia Savatier, curator, at the Louvre. This is the second conference within the Louvre's cycle Découvrir … les Arts graphiques. Le geste et la matière.
21-23 November: The end of Architectural Drawings? Representation and construction in the 20th and 21st century. The study days will take place at the Hertziana in Rome.

29-30 November: Course on theory and practice of photography cataloguing at the MUSINF, Museo di Arte Moderna, dell'Informazione e della Fotografia in Senigallia (IT).
October 2018-January 2019: La fotografia come memoria e fonte per la storia. Series of talks at the Università Roma Tre in Rome. The next talk will take place on October 31st: Storia della fotografia e narrazioni della storia (Manuela Fugenzi, Antonello Frongia).
R. Pelzer-Montada (ed.), Perspectives on contemporary printmaking. Critical writing since 1986.
Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2018.
D. Bohde, A. Nova (eds.), Jenseits des disegno. Die Entstehung selbstständiger Zeichnungen in Deutschland und Italien im 15. und 16. Jahrhundert.
Petersberg: Michael Imhof Verlag, 2018

AG SWISS visited the Jean Jean Bonna collection in Genève and have just published a report on our blog.
AG ROMA will soon visit (early November) the Accademia Tedesca Villa Massimo in Rome. With Director Dr. Joachim Blüher and Dr. Julia Trolp they will learn abut the institution's history and mission, and then they will visit the photography exhibition Fotografia5, Stefan Moses e Bernd & Hilla Becher, curated by Ute Eskildsen.
AG PARIS will discover (mid November) the exhibition Vagues de renouveau. Estampes japonaises modernes 1900-1960 at the Foundation Custodia in Paris.
AG DUTCH&FLEMISH is planning a visit to the major Leonardo exhibition in Haarlem in the second half of November. Details will be disclosed soon!
Are you interested in our events? get in touch!

We at Ars Graphica are also here to share opportunities, events and scholarship in the world of prints and drawings, photography and graphic design.
Thanks to those who got in touch so far
to let us know what they were up to!
Keep spreading the word!
Silvia Massa
AG communication coordinator