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Silvia Massa


Born on this day: Arnold Schönberg (1874)


15 September: last day to visit the ex libris exhibition I Protagonisti - Gli ex libris di titolari celebri, curated by Cristiano Beccaletto, with ex libris owned by famous writers, singers, designers etc. Biblioteca Civica, Rovereto.

16 September: today the exhibition Sur papier. Dessins d’artistes gantois issus de la collection du musée at the Museum voor Schone Kunsten Gent will close.

17 September, 5PM: Bibliotheca Sixtina litterarvm cvltoribvs restitvta will be presented at the Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (Salone Sistino) in Rome. Guided tours to the exhibition will be held on 18-20 and 24-28 September.

18 September: starting today, the Fitzwilliam Museum in Cambridge will host the touring exhibition Print Rebels: Haden, Palmer, Whistler and the origins of the Royal Society of Painter-Printmakers (until 6 January).

21 September: today the exhibition Rembrandt in Paris opens at the Rembrandthuis in Amsterdam. On display until January 6, 2019.

22 September: today two exhibitions will open at the Museo di Villa dei Cedri in Bellinzona:

Fernando Bordoni's gift of more than 100 works on paper will be shown until February 3, as well as Eccezionalismo ed «eccezione elvetica»: 100 anni di arte grafica in Svizzera that offers an intriguing panorama of Swiss engraving of the past 100 years, complemented by major international figures of the past 20 years.


Deadline *September 14*: the British Museum is looking for a Project Curator to register and catalogue approximately 500 drawings and 400 prints from John Christian’s post 1800 collection (full time, 1 year post).

Deadline September 21: the Tate Gallery is looking for a Conservation Manager for the paper and photographs collection.

Deadline September 30: the Art Institute of Chicago is looking for a Prince Trust Assistant/Associate Curator of Prints and Drawings

Deadline October 5: the Ashmolean Museum is looking for a Research Fellow (old master drawings) for the Paper Project supported by the Getty Foundation.



A.M. Gáldy, S. Heudecker (eds.), Collecting prints and drawings, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2018.

Conference proceedings from the 'Collecting Prints & Drawings' conference at the Schwabenakademie Irsee (2014). Table of contents available here.


At the end of September, AG SWISS together with curator Nathalie Strasser will visit Jean Bonna's drawings collection, which is made up by around 460 pieces.

In mid October, AG PARIS will visit the brand-new exhibition at the Louvre Gravure en clair-obscur. Cranach, Raphaël, Rubens which opens on October 18. The commissaire d'exposition Séverine Lepape will guide this special tour.

Late in November, AG DUTCH&FLEMISH will go to Haarlem for the exhibition of Leonardo da Vinci's drawings: stay tuned for more details!

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Silvia Massa

AG communication coordinator

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