July 12, 2018
born on this day: Amedeo Modigliani (1884)

Rome, Istituto Centrale per la Grafica.
Uno sguardo sulla grafica cinese. Mostra degli incisori cinesi contemporanei
(until September 30, free entrance).
The exhibition is offered by the International Academic Printmaking Alliance (IAPA) of the CAFA, Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing and will present 77 artworks by the most important contemporary Chinese artists, including a selection from young artists.
Japonisms / Impressionisms
Still a few days (it closes on July 15) to visit the exhibition at the Musée des Impressionisms in Giverny (France) organised in collaboration with the Arp Museum Bahnof Rolandseck. The show focuses on Japonisme's impact on the work of painters from the Impressionist and Post-Impressionist generation, from the 1870s to the beginning of the 20th century.
"Historical Baggage": Glenn Brown and his sources at the British Museum
Curated by Isabel Seligman and Olenka Horbatsch, this exhibition (open until July 22nd) eatures graphic works by Glenn Brown alongside the sources that inspired them. Brown’s early series of layered portraits based on prints by Rembrandt (1606-1669) and Lucian Freud (1922-2011) is contrasted with his new series Half-Life (2016), a fresh engagement with Rembrandt’s graphic oeuvre. An artist talk will take place on July 13.
Raffello, Rubens, Tiepolo. Studi d'autore dal '500 al '700
Until July 31st, the Horne Museum in Florence is displaying some masterpieces from the collection of Herbert P. Horne (1864 - 1916). Every Saturday at 11 a guided tour to the exhibition and the museum will take place.
Hiroshige. Visioni dal Giappone.
Until July 29 you will find this exhibition in Rome at the Scuderie del Quirinale, curated by Rossella Menegazzo and Sarah E. Thompson. Around 230 artworks (coloured woodcuts and drawings, paintings on paper and silk) from important collections based in Italy, Japan and United States.
Frank Auerbach and Lucien Freud: Faces
Until August 12. The Städel Museum’s Department of Prints and Drawings unites major works by the two artists in a single exhibition for the first time: the exhibition will present altogether forty drawings and prints, in particular portraits that are among the most uncompromising and most innovative in contemporary art.
F. Auerbach, Tree of Tretire I, 1975, screen print over etching, 300x295mm (plate), Private Collection (Cologne). Photo: Städel Museum - Artothek, ©Courtesy Marlborough Fine Art
Italian-Irish Connection
The touring exhibition project Italian-Irish Connection is now in Corck (Crawford Art Gallery) until August 18: Stampa Ora / Print Now: Selected works from Italian & Irish Printmakers includes 12 works by Italian printmakers, selected by Giorgio Marini, and 12 works by Irish printmakers chosen by Anne Hodge (Curator of Prints at The National Gallery of Ireland).
Il genio di Dalì
205 litographies and wood engravings by Dalì are on show at the Historian Gallery in Gavirate (Varese, Italy) where Dalì's works for the Biblia Sacra and for the Divina Commedia are exhibited together for the first time. Until August 31.
Burri Fontana Afro Capogrossi. Nuovi orizzonti nell'arte del secondo dopoguerra
Until September 2 the Museo Villa dei Cedri in Bellinzona (Switzerland) has on show Italian graphic art from the second half of 20th c.
Rembrandt. Von der Macht und Ohnmacht des Leibens
This exhibition at the Kunstsammlungen der Veste Coburg is open until September 9 and has activities planned for the summer months too, from guided tours to conferences and activities for children.
Dibujos de Luis Paret (1746-1799)
Open until 16 September, the exhibition is curated by Alejandro MartÃnez Pérez, a historian well versed in the Paret’s life and career who sets out to clarify the historiographical lacunae by examining the artist’s main instrument – his drawings – reconstructing his personal library and analysing his relationships with his patrons.
Starting August 24, Kupferstichkabinett, SMB Berlin
From Rembrandt's workshop. Drawings from the Rembrandt School (until November 18).
Constantijn Daniel van Renesse, Landscape with Two Houses under Trees, ca. 1653, pen in brown, brown wash (detail) ©Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Kupferstichkabinett

September 17, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Rome:
presentation of the project Bibliotheca Sixtina Letterarvm Cvltoribvs Restitvta
(texts by Simona de Crescenzo - Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana)
and wood engravings by Francesco Parisi)
and guided tour to the exhibition in the Salone Sistino.
Starting September 20, Kunstbibliothek, SMB Berlin
With works from the collections of architecture, book art, photography, graphic design and fashion illustration, that present a fascinating travel-
panorama: from mediaeval pilgrimages to the humanistic ‘grand tours’ and voyages pittoresques of the 17th and 18th centuries; from the expeditions of the colonial era to the mass tourism of the 20th century, with its seductive advertising (Lois Gaigg, Lloyd-Express, Schnellster Dienst der Welt, 1929, Plakat, Lithografie © Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Kunstbibliothek / Dietmar Katz).
Those who are planning to engage in some research between Rome and Paris might be interested to the scholarship awarded by the DFK - Deutsche Forum für Kunstgeschichte Paris and the Bibliotheca Hertziana to spend 3+3 months. Follow this link to discover if your project is eligible and how to apply!
Dutch Drawings in Swedish Public Collections (Hetje Canta Verlag, Berlin 2018, pp. 336) presents around 600 Danish drawings coming mainly from the Nationalmuseum and Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Stockholm, the Gothenburg Museum of Art and the Uppsala University Library.

Together with the Ars Graphica team,
The News Corner will take some weeks off!
Have a lovely summer,
enjoy your well-deserved break!
...see you in September!
Silvia Massa
AG communication coordinator