31 May, 2017
Born today: Alessandro Allori (1535)
Until June 10: Metamorfosis. Mutatas dicer formas. Collective exhibition at the Galleria d'Arte Theodora in Frascati (Rome) - opening June 1, 6PM
Until June 17: What is Enlightenment? 200 years of the print room of the University of Warsaw Library at the Museum on the Vistula in Warsaw. Lectures and guided tours are scheduled.
Until June 17: De Delacroix à Gauguin. Chefs-d'oeuvre dessinés du XIXe siècle du musée du Grenoble at the Musée du Grenoble
Until June 24: Dürer e il Rinascimento, tra Germania e Italia at Palazzo Reale in Milan presents around 60 drawings, prints, manuscripts and books by Dürer.
Double exhibition at the Istituto per la Grafica in Rome, until July 1st:
Francesco Casorati, opera incisa 1952-1995 with around 60 works donated by the Archivio Casorati.
Litografia Bulla. Un viaggio di duecento anni tra arte e tecnica, to celebrate the activity of the Bulla printing workshop.
Thanks to the support of the Getty Foundation, the British Museum is looking for a prints and drawings curatorial fellow with a special focus on Old Master drawings. The appointment will last for 18 months. Read the details about the post and the requirements here, mark the deadline: June 20.
CONFERENCE: soon the conference Multiplied and modified. Reception of the Printed Image in the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries will start in Warsaw (28-29 June). There is still time to register, on the same page you will find the full programme of this two-day event taking place at the University of Warsaw and National Museum in Warsaw.

A new art historical resource on the Web: Artists in Paris: Mapping the 18th-Century Art World. Based on original archival research and the latest digital mapping technologies, Artists in Paris is a website of interactive maps granting access to the geographies and demographies of Paris's art worlds.
A new publication: Bernini disegnatore: nuove prospettive di ricerca a cura di Sybille Ebert-Schifferer, Tod A. Marder e Sebastian Schütze. With texts by Tod A. Marder, Susan Klaiber, Marcello Fagiolo, Rita Bernini, Barbara Jatta, Giovanni Morello, Louise Rice, Sebastian Schütze, Maria Grazia Bernardini, Elisabeth Kieven, Werner Oechslin, Daniela Del Pesco, Maria Grazia D’Amelio, Francesco Petrucci, Ann Sutherland Harris e Manuela Gobbi.
This June, AG Roma will travel to Milan for a double event: a visit to the exhibition Novecento di Carta and a special visit with Bernard Aikema to the exhibition Dürer e il Rinascimento tra Germania e Italia. Places are limited, if you wish to join please get in touch with AG Roma arsgraphicaroma(at) by June 7!
AG Polska has just published a report on their latest event: a trip to Polska Akademia Umiejętności (Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences) in Cracow, where they learned more about the PAUart project and then visited the print room and the Lanckoroński Phototeca.

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Enjoy the beginning of June!
Silvia Massa
AG communication coordinator