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Silvia Massa

Far from the madding crowd, Venice hides real treasures. Here is a special focus on ongoing exhibitions (mainly drawings) you will find if you are lucky enough to be in Venice these days.


May 18, 2018

born today: Ferdinand van Apshoven, the Older (1576)

Architettura immaginata.

Disegni dalle raccolte della Fondazione Giorgio Cini

Palazzo Cini (until 17 september 2018)

You all know Fondazione Giorgio Cini on San Giorgio island, but do you know about Palazzo Cini, a few steps from the Gallerie dell'Accademia? If you don't, then go! Until September, the top floor is presenting drawings (mainly from XVIII c.) from the Antonio Certani collection, held by the Fondazione since 1963. Mostly linked to the Bolognese school, the drawings on display explore the topics of temporary apparatus, quadrature, ornamentation, architectural illusionism.

Giacomo Quarenghi. Progetti architettonici

Gallerie dell'Accademia

(until 17 June)

The Gallerie dell'Accademia holds a big group of architecture drawings by Giacomo Quarenghi, arrived to the Accademia in 1824. Around 100 drawings are presented in this exhibition, with a focus on the Russian projects for residential palaces and other buildings in Moscow and St. Petersburg, where Quarenghi was working for Catherine II.

Ruskin: le pietre di Venezia

Palazzo Ducale (until June 10)

Step by step, stone by stone, John Ruskin challenged the damp Venetian weather to draw the city in all its architectural details. The Stones of Venice is the title of the book published between 1851 and 1853 and also the title to this exhibition, where Ruskin is first introduced to us with the watercolours that speak of his deep love for the Alps. The sketches and studies he made during his eleven journeys to Venice, tell of a city to love and to save... still today.

Canova, Hayez e Cicognara. L'ultima gloria di Venezia

Gallerie dell'Accademia (until July 2)

This the grand exhibition to celebrate 200 years since the foundation of the Accademia. Inside one of the museum's rooms (not the exhibition ones) you will find seven drawings by Hayez, studies he made of the great oil painting by Titian's La presentazione della Vergine al Tempio. And it is right in front of the painting that these drawings are on display now (on loan from the Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera in Milan).

Rodolfo Namias, manualistica tecnica tra fotografia e industria. 1891-1938 Saloni monumentali della Biblioteca Marciana (until May 20)

This exhibition displays a series of objects (including photographic devices, books, periodicals and images) to present Namias' involvement in the early photographic processes.

Other Venice-related announcements:

In case you don't know yet, Fondazione Giorgio Cini is funding a major project called Atlante delle xilografie italiane del Rinascimento, curated by Laura Aldovini, David Landau and Silvia Urbini. Read more!

Palazzo Ducale in Venice will host the conference Printing Evolution and Society: fifty years that changed Europe (19-21 September 2018). Day 3 of the conference will be dedicated to printed books illustrations and digital tools.


For the artists out there!

Making It – Bursaries for emerging artists to develop their work in printmaking. Directed to young artists (max 30 years old) and offered by the Northern Print Studio pf Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom. The programme will take place between July and December and wil include an experimental workshop and time to spend in the well-equipped studio.Read details here and send your application by May 20.

Mini Prints Berlin 2018 will take place in November 2018 at the Galleri Heike Arndt DK in Berlin. The application deadline is September 1. Read all details here.

The Upstream Gallery in Hastings-on-Hudson, NY, United States, welcomes artists’s submissions for an exhibition of works on paper that will take place in June: The Inventive Eye: Observation, Transformation, and the Art of Seeing. Send you application by May 20.


"I would endeavour to trace the lines of this image before it be for ever lost, and to record, as far as I may, the warning which seems to me to be uttered by every one of the fast-gaining waves, that beat, like passing bells, against the Stones of Venice.”

John Ruskin, The Stones of Venice, vol. I, ch. I, § 1

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