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Silvia Massa


April 19th, 2018

Born today: Edward John Gregory (1851)


The exhibition Irene Kopelman. On Glaciers and Avalanches. In Search of Glaciological Traces at the Graphische Sammlung ETH Zürich is opening on April 24 with a vernissage at 6pm and will be on view until June 24. The Argentinian artist Irene Kopelman explored the glaciers joining a scientific expedition: her drawings will be on display together with important works from the ETH collection. Guided tours and two discussion evenings will be held, check the ETH agenda.

(image: Irene Kopelman, View from Grosser Aletschgletscher, 2013 Coloured pencil on paper, 1 of 4 drawings, ©Courtesy of the artist and Labor Gallery)

The exhibition Van Gogh & Japan at the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam (until June 24) explores the relationship between Vincent van Gogh and Japanese prints (remember: tickets are only available online and just a limited number is available on place).

The Musée des Pêcheries des Fécamps opened its new "tunnel des dessins" where the drawings from the Fécamp collection will be display on a rotating basis.


The Milwaukee Art Museum is looking for an Associate Curator of Prints and Drawings to take care of their paper collection that includes artworks dating from the Renaissance to the 21st century. See duties, requirements and application procedure here.

For the "Kupferstichkabinett online" project, the Herzog August Bibliothek in Wolfenbüttel is looking for a part-time collaborator in the Digital Humanities field. The post will last for 15 months and will involve working with databases&metadata to enrich and enhance the project's data. Applications are open until April 30.

The Johnson Museum of Art at Cornell University organises a summer workshop on Watermark Identification in Rembrandt's Etchings (WIRE) which will take place between June 24-28. To apply, submit a cover letter stating your interest in the workshop and detailing how its topics might serve your educational and career interests, along with a current CV (all materials in a single PDF file) to by April 27.

For the Waterloo (Ontario) UAAC conference, October 25-27, check the CFP on: Crossing the Line: Drawing across Borders and Discourses, focused on contemporary art practices that stretch or subvert conventional definitions of drawing. Apply by May 1st.

Competition programme Teylers Tweede Genootschap 2018

The Teylers Tweede Genootschap in Haarlem (NL) has announced its new competition programme 2018. In keeping with the Teylers Stichting’s 200-year-old tradition of promoting academic research, the Directors of the Teylers Stichting foundation, together with the members of the Teylers Tweede Genootschap, have decided to hold a competition: the call is for an original study demonstrating how prints were disseminated, used and valued. The deadline is January 1st, 2021. For more background information, as well as information on the entry to submit, on the deadline and the prizes, see here.


Rome, April 20, 6.30pm - book presentation: join Giorgio Marini and Francesco Parisi at the Accademia di Belle Arti for the presentation of their catalogue to the exhibition Il Segno dell'Avanguardia (on Futurism and its engravers, closing these days in Lucca).

Antwerp, April 22, 12pm - talk: assistant curator Virginie D'haene will give a talk on the acquisition policies of the Plantin-Moretus Museum. A selection of drawings will be put on display in the study room, including works by Rubens, Van Dyck and Hoefnagel. Book your place here!


AG London invites us to attend the SAW- Slow Art Workshop: Scratch, Scrape & Stipple, part of the LOPF (London Original Print Fair) which will take place on Thursday 3 May at 3pm, in the Library of the Royal Academy of Arts. Spaces are limited: see here for more infos & to book your spot.


The Descriptive terminology for works of art on paper guidelines for the accurate and consistent description of the materials and techniques of drawings, prints and collages by Nancy Ash, Scott Homolka, Stephanie Lussier, Rebecca Pollak and Eliza Spaulding, edited by Renée Wolcott (Philadelphia Museum of Art, 2014) is now available online in pdf.


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Silvia Massa

AG communication coordinator

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