#international women's day. How many women printmakers can you mention? If you can't make it to 10... well... If you missed the 2016 NY Public Library exhibition, you could take a look at their catalogue Printing women: three centuries of female printmakers 1570-1900. Here you can find some other useful references. Exhibitions, associations and collaborative doctoral projects involving women printmakers (past and contemporary) are increasing. That's good news!
8th March, 2018
born today: Rosso Fiorentino (1495)
The Tchoban Foundation - Museum for Architectural Drawing in Berlin is showing "Visions of World Architecture. Illustrations from the Royal Academy Lectures of Sir John Soane", until 17 June.
To celebrate the 100 years of Schweizerische Graphische Gesellschaft, ETH Zurich presents "Wendepunkte. Von Nolde bis Oppenheim" (Turning Points. From Nolde to Oppenheim), until 8 April.
© Sir John Soane’s Museum, London
The Fondazione Ragghianti in Lucca is presenting "Il segno dell'avanguardia. I futuristi e l'incisione", with engravings by Futurism artists, curated by Giorgio Marini and Francesco Parisi.
The "Eeny, meeny, miny, moe – Wizard and Princesses on the Show. Fairy Tales and Children's Games in Old Prints and Drawings" exhibition at the National Museum in Wrocław will close on 18 March!
The Cabinet d'arts graphiques of the Musées d'art et d'histoire in Genève is displaying paintings, drawings and prints by the Swiss artist Barthélémy Menn (until July 8). Events related to the exhibition include free guided tours.
Issues such as copyright and reproduction will be tackled during the conference "Images, Copyright, and the Public Domain in the Long Nineteenth Century" Winterthur Museum, Garden, and Library (March 29-30).
The Université de Poitiers will host a study day (April 5) entitled:
Mobilité et attraction migratoire des villes organised by Véronique Meyer, Francesca Mariano (AG Paris) and Blanche LLaurens.
The programme of the conference Printing Colour 1700–1830: Discoveries, Rediscoveries & Innovations in the Long 18th Century (Senate House, London; conference 10–11 April 2018 + study day with objects sessions 12 April 2018) has been updated: check it out!
A Introduction to wood engraving course (22-23 March) will be held at the London Print Studio. Applications due: 20 March.
A course entitled “Paper, Glass and Plastic: Identification and Care of Photographic Negatives” will take place at the American Academy in Rome, on May 3-4. Registration until March 31.
An intensive one-week course on Blocks and Plates: towards a history of relief and intaglio printing surfaces, 1450-1830 will be held at the London Rare Book School (School of Advanced Studies, University of London) in July (2-6). Apply by March 16.
AG ROMA's next event will be a visit to the Archive of the Caetani Family in Rome. It will take place in the second half of March: basic members should upgrade to active membership in order to participate.
AG LONDON invites all members (both active and basic) to sign up for a complimentary ticket to attend for free the London Original Print Fair which will take place between 3 and 6 May.
AG SWISS welcome María Dolores García-Aznar in their team! They will visit Johannes Itten's exhibition early in April, led by Dr. Jochen Hesse. Subscribe as active member to attend!
The London Original Print Fair invites curators from UK collections to apply for the Hallett Independent Acquisitions Award, which gives a collection £8,000 to spend at the London Original Print Fair’s 2018 edition, 3-6 May.
The application is straightforward: curators should write a letter explaining how the acquisition would strengthen or enrich their print collection. The Selection Committee, chaired by Christopher Le Brun PRA, are interested to hear about how the acquisition(s) would fit in existing collections or enhance an upcoming exhibitions.
The application deadline is Friday, 16 March 2018. In April, the five shortlisted museums will be announced. A representative from these five museums will be invited to attend the opening of LOPF on Wednesday, 2 May, with a special private dinner to follow immediately at the Royal Academy. The winner of the Award will be announced at the beginning of the opening reception.
LOPF is delighted to cover the costs of the dinner and stay in a central London hotel for the evening of Wednesday 2 May for the five curators from shortlisted museums.

Gitta Bertram und Nils Büttner: Sinnbild – Bildsinn. Rubens als Buchkünstler. Verband Deutscher Antiquare e. V. und Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste, Stuttgart 2018 (presented at the 57. Stuttgarter Antiquariatsmesse 2018)

Women artists out there! Scholars and Students studying women printmakers! Let us hear your voice. Email us to let us know what you are doing, studying, creating.
Silvia Massa
AG Communication Coordinator