On long urban walks, why not listen to podcasts to make your promenade more fun? I started with Neil MacGregor's "A History of the World in 100 objects" (available on the BBC website) and found out that no. 75, 85, 93 and 97 are about prints! An insider revealed me that MacGregor likes to register some of his podcasts in the Print Room of the British Museum. Special acoustic? Maybe. For sure it's a great place to be.
November 23, 2017
Born today: El Lissitzky, Russian artist and architect (1890)
If you pass by the beautiful island of Malta, you should take a look at the exhibition "iMprint III. Intaglio, a creative text", open until December 9, featuring artworks by Maltese artists as well as world-renowned names such as Marc Chagall and Marino Marini.
Posters and prints by Toulouse-Lautrec will be on display at the Fondation Pierre Gianadda in Martigny, starting from December 1st.
Rembrandt - lightening the darkness is the exhibition held at the Norwich Castle Museum and Art Gallery until January 7th. Works on show include both the collection belonging to the Castle and loans from other UK museums.
21 works of art on paper collected by Guido Sforni (1935-1975) were bequeathed by the Sforni family to Villa Necchi Campiglio in Milan, owned by FAI. The artworks, including sheets by Modigliani, Picasso and Matisse, will be on display in the "Stanza del Principe".
...for deadlines:
November 30: submit you application if you want to attend the Archivkurs - archive research course in February-March 2018, organised by the Bibliotheca Hertziana in Rome.
December 15: if you're into early modern printed books and their ornament, then you might consider sending an abstract for the conference: "Typography, Illustration and Ornamentation in the Early Modern Iberian Book World, 1450-1800" which will take place in Dublin in May 2018.
December 21: as every year, this is the official deadline to apply for the Michael Bromberg Fellowship at the Department of Prints and Drawings in the British Museum.
...for conferences&other events:
November 25: the second annual Forum of the association "Bella Maniera", focused on old master drawings, will take place in Paris, at the Musée des Arts Décoratifs.
November 30: within the conference "Exploring the Arts in Bernini's Rome" don't miss the VI section (afternoon), dedicated to graphic arts.
December 8: the relationships between drawing, body and place will be explored at the Drawing Conversations 2 conference held at the ICE in Coventry.
Within the series Studies in Prints and Printmaking (Hollstein Journal), the new 3-set volume dedicated to prints at the court of Fontainebleau by Catherine Jenkins will be published in December (Catherine Jenkins. Prints at the Court of Fontainebleau, c. 1542-47. Ouderkerk aan den IJssel: Sound & Vision Publishers BV., 2017

We all know that the Salvator Mundi was sold for $450m at Christie's New York, but perhaps fewer people know that two drawings by Egon Schiele performed not so bad: at the Dorotheum sale of 21 November in Vienna, Reclining Woman (1917) sold for €2.3m (with buyer's premium) and Head of a Woman (1918) sold for €210,400 (with buyer's premium). Both came from a private collection were they had stayed for the last 85 years.

We have already started collecting some infos for the next issue of "The News Corner", help us and email us your next project, exhibition, conference, wherever you are!
Meanwhile, enjoy autumn. Cheers!
Silvia Massa
AG Communication Coordinator