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Silvia Massa

"What I tell students is that prints represent a different means of expressing original ideas, just the way Shakespeare wrote plays and sonnets and Mozart composed operas and symphonies—all are masterpieces in different forms". This is what David Tunick, the newly-appointed President of the IFPDA (International Fine Prints Dealers Association) said at the annual Fine Art Print Fair in NYC. The fair has just closed its doors with 10,000 visitors between 26-29 October. What's happening on this side of the Ocean?


November 9, 2017

Born today: Thelma Hulbert, English painter (1913)


...from the Kunsthalle in Bremen: after being lost in WWII, two drawings have just found their way back into the Kupferstichkabinett! Bildnis des Königsberger Malers Carl Bublitz (1890) by Lovis Corinth and Stille Teilnahme, oder: Die erzürnte Hausfrau (1887) by Adolf Menzel. Both artworks were bought back from a private owner in Holland thanks to the support of Mathilde and Fritz Müller-Arnecke.


The Wochenende der Graphik will take place on November 11 and 12, when many museums and other institutions will open their doors and offer special tours, workshops, presentations and more. See link for the events calendar, and please note that the Kupferstichkabinett at SMB (Berlin) has some very interesting events planned as well.


"Invention and Imitation. Old Italian Prints from the Collection of the National Museum in Wrocław" will be open until December 17. Check it out to see a rich display of prints from 16th to 19th c.!

Zeichenunterricht. From artist's training to aesthetic education since 1500. This year the Graphische Sammlung ETH Zürich celebrates its 150-year jubilee, and a new exhibition has just opened its doors. Until January 21, 2018, visitors will discover the history of draughtsmanship and will be called to reflect upon the reception of drawing throughout centuries.

And if you happen to be in Zurich on November 28, don't miss the international symposium "Perspectives from the Present", with talks on the changing role of University collections of prints and drawings.

Italian prints, drawings and illuminations are on display until January 13 at the Bibliothèque Louis Aragon in Amiens (the exhibition is co-organized by the Musée de la Picardie).

Living artists dialogue with masterpiece drawings in the Drawing Together exhibition, co-organized by the Courtauld Gallery and the University of Kent. Until January 2 in the Drawings Gallery at the Courtauld.


At Windsor (London) two exciting opportunities for a Raphael Collection Cataloguer and an Assistant Curator (prints and early photographs) within the Prince Albert Project (closing date: November 22).

At the British Library there is an open position for a Head of Visual Arts collections (prints, drawings and photographs) relating to Asia and Africa (closing date: November 24).


PAUart: digital collections from the Polish Academy of Arts and Science

​Started in 2014, the PAUart project has been working to digitize and put online graphics collection of the Print Room and photographs from the Special Collections of the Scientific Library of the PAAS-Polish Academy of Arts and Science and the PAS in Krakow as well as photographs from Lanckoronski

Phototheca (collection of photographs) of the PAAS and from the Archives of Science of the PAS and of the PAAS in Krakow. The number of the items gathered in the collection is now estimated at about 240,000. The website has a description of the graphic collection available in English.


"I want our members to declare loudly and widely that original prints are not poor second cousins of 'real art', but are as important as the paintings of the great artists of all periods..." (D. Tunick)

Silvia Massa

AG Communication Coordinator

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