While the leaves are falling, UNESCO elected a new director-general (Audrey Azoulay), Matisse's descendants won a legal battle against an art dealer over two cuts-out, a signed mezzotint by Edvard Munch (estimated $3-4m) will be auctioned at Sotheby's... the art world makes its way well into autumn, let's have a look at what graphic arts are up to!
26 October, 2017
born today: Aert de Gelder, Dutch painter (1645)
We open this Corner with some news for the artists out there:
The Fondazione Torrita Cultura (Tuscany) is holding the 2018 edition of its ‘International Artist’s Book Competition’, open to any artist. This year's theme is ‘The Moon’.
To entry the competition, submit your application until January 30th. Contact for any question!
La Triennale Mondiale de l’Estampe et de la Gravure Originale will be open until November 5 in Chamalières, why not take a look?
Prints&drawings by Kathe Kollwitz can be seen in Dresden at the Kupferstichkabinett, until January 14.
A revolution in printmaking: the Italian chiaroscuro of the Sixteenth century is on view at the Wallraf-Richartz-Museum Foundation Corboud in Cologne until January 14.
The Christ Church picture gallery in Oxford put on display 30+ drawings by different artists who were active in Rome. Drawing in Rome: until December 22!
See 36 recently restored drawings by Nicolas Poussin at the cabinet d'arts graphiques du Château de Chantilly.
Symposiums to come:
November 4: Dutch Drawings on the Horizon: A Day of Talks in Honor of George S. Abrams - Harvard Art Museums.
November 21-22: Raffaels Zeichnungen - this is a collateral event to the exhibition currently showing at the Albertina, Vienna.
If you are affiliated to/graduated from a Belgian university, you might be interested in the two fellowships for the international research project: Early modern prints from the Low Countries in Italian collections. A virtual catalogue (Rome, feb-jun 2018)
Abstracts (Italian/English) are accepted until December 9th for the international workshop Libri di Disegni e Album di Disegni. Nuove prospettive metodologiche e di esegesi storico-critica (Rome, 31 May-1 Jun 18).
On the bookshelf:
Galina Mardilovich won the APS publication grant for her forthcoming book ‘The Independent Goddess:’ Printmaking in Late Imperial Russia. Congratulation!!
Project description
the world's first online network database for graphic collections
Official launch: November 11th, 12PM, Hamburger Kunsthalle
The «Graphikportal» is an art history database developed at the German Documentation Centre for Art History - Bildarchiv Foto Marburg. A large (250,000, to start with) group of European graphic artworks from major museums, libraries and research institutions have been digitised and will be available online to scholars and professionals, for the first time for cross-collection research.

Just to give you an idea, on the «Graphikportal» you will find masterpieces from collections such as the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin - Preußischer Kulturbesitz, the Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden and the Hamburger Kunsthalle. The Albertina and the MAK Bibliothek und Kunstblättersammlung in Vienna, the Graphische Sammlung of the ETH Zurich and the Zentralbibliothek Zürich or the Bibliotheca Hertziana - Max Planck Institute for the History of Art in Rome. The «Graphikportal» will also include the items already present on the "Virtuelles Kupferstichkabinett", a cooperation between the Herzog Anton Ulrich-Museum Braunschweig and the Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel.
The «Graphikportal» is the result of the international working group «Graphik vernetzt» (Graphics networked), which aims to agree on common digitisation standards and designing strategies for the further digital networking of graphic collections.

The official launch will take place on November 11, 12 pm, at the Hamburger Kunsthalle, during the "Wochenende der Graphik". If you want to know more about the «Graphikportal» and have a look at how it works, don't miss this occasion!

The next event might be just around the corner: email us if you think something is worth sharing!
More news in two weeks!
Silvia Massa
AG news&communication coordinator