Introducing... The News Corner

Summer is over and a busy working year is ahead of us! Ars Graphica’s satellites and members are full of energy, plans and ideas to share. But nowadays information flows so fast that at times it might be difficult to keep track of social media posts and newsletters.
With The News Corner we aim at providing readers with a useful reminder of what’s been said and done in the graphic arts, and give a hint on what will come next. The News Corner is not about Ars Graphica's events (you will still find them in the newsletter!), instead it will present facts and activities recommended by Ars Graphica's members, as well as news circulating on social networks and online.
The News Corner will be posted on Ars Graphica's blog on Thursdays, every two weeks, and will be shared via social media as well. Ready? Here we go!
28th September, 2017
Born today: Bonaventura Genelli, painter (1798)
Academia never rests!
This past summer has proved to be very dense with academic activities:
In Vienna, the second edition of the Studienkurs zur Theorie und Praxis der Zeichnung took place during the first week of August, organized by Universitat Wien together with the Albertina.
Florence and Arezzo were the headquarters of the Summer School Master&Pupil: Art and Music in Italian print collections, XVI-XVIII centuries (July).
In Dresden, Beyond reproductive printmaking. Prints and the canon of European painting ca. 1500-1810 took place at the Kupferstichkabinett (18-19th September).
In London, new light was shed on the values and uses of print matrices during the conference Blocks Plates Stones (Courtauld Institute, 21st September).
To see, to visit…
At the Albertina in Vienna two one-man shows are on display this September: Bruegel (until 3rd December) and Raphael (opening tomorrow, until 7th January 2018). With around 130 drawings and 17 paintings, Raphael’s will be “the first exhibition to present works solely by Raphael in Austria”.
The British Museum is bringing Anthony Griffiths’ latest book The print before photography alive: the exhibition The business of prints in on display in Room 90 until January 28th, 2018.
Rembrandt’s etchings are the protagonists of Virtuosity and Imagination: it’s happening in Rotterdam, Museum Boijmans van Beuningen, until January 14th, 2018.
Goya. Follia e ragione all’alba della modernità is the event lasting until 19th November at the Museo Civico delle Cappuccine di Bagnacavallo.
The IX International Engraving Exhibition will take place in Cremona until 29th October.
The Morgan Library will be hosting Drawn to Greatness: Master Drawings from the Thaw Collection, starting from September 29th.
Giulia Napoleone - Dialoghi opened a few days ago at the Istituto Centrale per la Grafica in Rome.
Within the Nuit des musées, La Nuit de l’estampe will take place in Paris on October 7th.
Good to know:
The drawing Tanne by Caspar David Friedrich (1798) returned to the Kunsthalle in Bremen after 70 years! Thought to be lost after WWII, it was recently bought back to the Museum.
Two exciting study days will take place in London:
The Encounter: Drawings from Leonardo to Rembrandt (6th October, National Portrait Gallery)
"The candle is lighted": Martin Luther's legacy in print (7th October, British Museum)
On the bookshelf:
Padre Sebastiano Resta: milanese, oratoriano, collezionista di disegni nel Seicento a Roma, edited by Alberto Bianco, Francesco Grisolia, Simonetta Prosperi Valenti Rodinò (Roma, Edizioni Oratoriane, 2017) has just been published!
CFP and deadlines:
Looking for a job? Some interesting opportunities are available this upcoming month for a position of prints&drawings curator at the Detroit Institute for Arts and at the Art Institute, Chicago (deadlines mid October).
You have time until the 1st October to send your abstract for Printing Colour 1700-1830. Discoveries, Rediscoveries and Innovations in the Long Eighteenth Century (10-11 April 2018, London).
The Italian journal for graphic arts, Grafica d’Arte, has just published a Call for Articles: deadline 30th April 2018.

You didn’t find what you were looking for? Something is happening and you want to share it with the newtork? Get in touch!
See you in two weeks, with more updates and news!
Silvia Massa
AG communication coordinator