A new satellite: Ars Graphica Poland
A new satellite of Ars Graphica has just been launched !

The satellite of Poland will be managed by Grażyna Jurkowlaniec (Associate Professor, Institute of Art History, University of Warsaw) and Magdalena Herman (PhD candidate, dpt of History, University of Warsaw).
AG Polska is the new satellite of Ars Graphica: it intends to promote the exchange of ideas in the graphic arts and to connect with local collections of prints and drawings. Study meetings and visits of conservation workshops, artists’ studios and current exhibitions will be organized in Poland.
It is a space to share views and methodologies concerning art on paper in an interdisciplinary, intergenerational environment.
Scholars from Poland, you are welcome to join the satellite by sending an e-mail to arsgraphicanetwork[at]gmail.com
We have now founded 6 satellites!
Holland & Belgium – London – Paris – Poland – Rome – Switzerland
Find out more about the local study centres of Ars Graphica:
For information: www.arsgraphica.org Join us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/ars.graphica Twitter/Instagram: @arsgraphica
Ars Graphica gives you the opportunity to be part of a local community as well as being connected to the international network!